"Never go near the waters, that's what my mom always says"
Stay with your family, boys are trouble, remember the stories, and never go to the ancient, love waters
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"Mina was a student in class just like the rest of us and when we practiced our morning speeches like you all and Mina would say them loud and proud to impress Savannah and usually she would never notice her own daughter because she never wanted to have her but she did this time and when class was over she proposed Mina a deal, she proposed her own child a deal just so she could get her love cause she knew she was desperate for it."
"Mina, I have noticed what you've been doing, and I would tell you to stop but I have a plan." Savannah said as Mina watched intently at her mother, she oh so desired to know what she was going to say
"What is it mamma, what plan?" Mina asked
"I want you to date Shawn that boy you've been eyeing and then kill him with you know... the Island's curse." Savannah said as she smiled and then put both her hands on Mina's cheeks because she knew she was confused
"Why? " Mina asked
"You want my love, don't you? a life for a better relationship with your mother, don't you want that I know you've always wanted that." Savannah said as Mina nodded in excitement and thought it had been a miracle
"Yeah, that's wrong though momma, but I'll do it, I'll do it for us." She said as Savannah laughed lowly and patted Mina on the back when I say this woman is treachery, deceiving, disgusting, pure malice and evil in pure form I mean it and she used her daughter for her schemes
"Good." Savannah said and Mina the next day met Shawn at the ancient love waters right on time, Mina was never a trouble maker that's what the story make her seem like that we told to make knuckle head kids listen if they wanted to be hard headed these were the consequences losing their lives but Mina failed when she had a kid and after using Shawn she might have felt a little bit of love for him but she used him and was right back to square number one with a child and everyone was behind her
Another Flashback
"Momma, momma, I have Angelic here." Mina said as she knocked on the door of her mother's house with a baby Angelic on her hip, savannah wanted nothing to do with Mina until she had the baby, and every time Mina would try to have a conversation, she would just take Angelic and go
"Momma." Mina said again then she heard footsteps and released the breath she was holding in as the door swung open, she was there with a smile and Savannah just took Angelic from her hands speaking to him in baby tone and tried to close the door, but Mina propped it open with her foot she was tired of being treated how she was and wanted it to end
"Well come in why don't you?' Savannah said as she rolled her eyes and Mina walked in and sat on the couch right next to her mother and Savannah scooted away, she's never been in her mother's house ever since she found out she got pregnant, and everything still looked the same