"Never go near the waters, that's what my mom always says"
Stay with your family, boys are trouble, remember the stories, and never go to the ancient, love waters
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"He sees beauty, he sees body, he sees grace, the women we are supposed to be." I recited alongside the girls this morning after getting ready back at the cabin. We had to do this every morning as pledge to be pure for the rest of our lives in words. The womanly prepping tells us to stay away from men at all times, this is parenting 101, if you tell your child repeatedly not to do a certain thing especially if you have done it before, it becomes more intriguing for them to try it out themselves and they become sneaky.
Now there are different children with different reactions to different approaches to teachings, meaning you need to have a personal relationship in the house with each child, you cannot love all your children the same way or teach them the same way and wonder where you went wrong people need to understand that every child is different. Maybe if they tried different techniques themselves, no one would have to rebel because girls need intimacy and connection and so do the boys. Thewaters are beautiful and are mainly what makes the island beautiful besides the people and our culture so of course we are naturally drawn to it like each other.
"He sees a whore, he's sees a tramp, we are foreigners, protect our warriors." Keisha said and I looked over at her and she was agitated I could see it all in her face and it was so sudden making everyone turn and look at her, a pin could drop that's how thick the silence in the atmosphere was.
"Keisha, do you have something to say? Why are you acting out of line? That's not nice to say about our future ladies." Mina said as she crossed our arms, I think I knew why Keisha was acting out the other night when she talked about Mina, it seems as if she really doesn't like her and maybe a couple of the other girls don't either because we know Mina's story and were agitated, she's trying to push us in a different direction then she went and it's understandable and we shouldn't go against it but of course were naturally curious and want more answers than just stay away.
"Why the hell did you get to break the rules and we didn't?" Keisha said as she crossed her arms and Mina knew exactly what she meant that's why she held her head down for a minute.
"I knew the rules and I was young, and I was dumb, and I should've listened to my mother, but I didn't, and I cried many nights because of it. My son Angelic brought me lots of happiness and joy and seeing him as a man makes me anxious, he's at the same age where most men die. I'm not trying to make it seem like we as woman are gross or need to cover up, we are the treasure, we are queens and I want you guys to know that." Mina said as Keisha kind of let down her guard a bit for her understanding that nothing is no one's fault and we're all just confused on what to do next in our lives.
"I just want to get off this island." Keisha said as she looked around and she noticed the boys were coming onto the beach again to head to the training camp or whatever, we could hear all the gear they had rumble on their bodies and in their hands. Keisha immediately looked at me with a happy, sneaky smile look on her face.