"Never go near the waters, that's what my mom always says"
Stay with your family, boys are trouble, remember the stories, and never go to the ancient, love waters
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He really does have a death Wish, he is in love with my sister, painting pictures of her and shit. I never intended to beef with the nigga, I was just tired of everything being about "The Golden Boy". He isn't special, he is the offspring of a careless mother who should've paid more attention to who she was hurting despite how much she loved Shawn. It's a repeated cycle tradition that maybe her son will break first because he wants to be captain save a hoe and not follow the rules, I'm playing it safe with who I want until I know how to get off this island.
The golden boy hears stories about his self-daily like he is some prophecy, or he came down here to help us. Do you know how many men on this island were offspring of careless mothers and they aren't special, one particular story that involved him blew up and is now being told to hundreds of children. He tried to make it seem as if I'm disgusted in my sister and I don't care about her, that is far from the story, I just don't want her feeling like she has to live up to the golden boys' standards because he is who he is. Does she even know that just because he is who he is, she going to be treated like she doesn't matter.
"That was some bitch shit you pulled back at art class Michael, you know it was." Leonardo said as we all walked through the woods to get home. I didn't know what his deal was, I just wanted to see if golden boy was gone do something and to my knowledge, he's not going to do a bitch ass thing.
"And so....." I said as I continued walking and I heard feet running to catch up with me.
"Apologize man, that was some bitch shit, quit hating on the fact that everybody wants to be with golden boy or he's this islands prophecy because we know that's why you mad." Leonardo said as I chuckled and turned around to face him and we both stopped, it was only me, Leonardo and Poseidon out here anyway.
"He can get anybody, he can't even-"
"I FUCKED YOUR SISTER, my bad I made love to her yesterday, that's why I was so fucking mad you had showed my painting to her. I didn't want anyone to really know we were romantically into each other, is that okay big brother?" Angelic said with an evil grin on his face as Leonardo turned around shocked looking at him but all I did was cross my arms and laugh, I know he didn't actually do it.
"What? Why didn't you tell me?" Leonardo asked as he started overthinking everything.
"I was gone tell you after I asked you to come with me to the ancient, love waters and bring Keisha or something surprise her with knowing that y'all can be together and that our parents are liars." Angelic said as he crossed his arms looking at me. I didn't believe a thing he said, and Leonardo is just gullible.
"Ask your sister." Angelic said as he turned around. How the hell did he know my sister would come walking through these woods at this moment, he is a piece of shit, but just then my sister looked at all three of us in shock and nervous as hell and decided to speed walk past all of us, I wonder why she didn't bring her friends with her, this made this nigga look like a psychic when really he is just trying to mess with my head and is using my sister to do it.