"Never go near the waters, that's what my mom always says"
Stay with your family, boys are trouble, remember the stories, and never go to the ancient, love waters
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I and my mother decided to walk to Ms. Johnson house to speak to her, my mother haven't spoke to her in a while even though Ms. Johnson has been going through it with losing a son and finding out her daughter hasn't been so innocent but even in that way of being said I still feel like no one's life should be dictated no matter what position someone plays in their life, decisions are to be made and mistakes are to follow Heaven is young but she is old enough to make her own decisions and she isn't wrong for making one in following pursuit of her heart and desires
I know for a fact she shouldn't want to see me because I'm supposed to be the island's, hero, prophecy, pure and live up to everybody's expectation because my mom story is all we know, the older women and men of this island should know something but they don't and all of a sudden Heaven's uncle pops out of nowhere talking about a purple rock and shaking up all of our thoughts, how come my mother doesn't know about it or at least grandma, who consistently talks about God, she tells me all the time that she wish she had only one relationship and for it to be with him because she had sinned making my mother and it makes me uncomfortable every time she says it
I never knew all this time, we had a relation to white people but of course we do because my father is light skinned well at least that's what my mother told me so his father has to be white or someone along down that line, this is too weird how can men all of a sudden die when in love or having sex with a women without magic or witchery, I would have thought no such thing with religion but maybe that is our last resort to find a higher, greater use than our memories and each other
We walked up to Ms. Johnson's house and my mom knocked on the door and it doing open immediately to Ms. Johnson in happy spirits and it was good to see that with all that happened, being a part of such a horrible lie and being caught with her daughter within some weeks apart made me cautious and anxious of this encounter but I was happy to be in any close proximity to Heaven again, I was just glad to know she was here and near
"Oh, how are you doing Mina?" Ms. Johnson asked, and it shocked my mom that she had embraced her in such a big hug
"Me, I'm doing fine, how are you?" She asked as Ms. Johnson sat down at her kitchen table waving us over
"Come sit down, we got dinner coming up in a minute, Heaven is finishing up in the kitchen." Ms. Johnson said as I tried not to look into the kitchen, but it was an open space and I saw Heaven in all white chopping up something I wish I could sneak behind her and scare her; she looks so focused, I just know she knows how to cook
We sat down and I laid my head down a little on my arms I had crossed looking at my mother and Ms. Johnson have a conversation, I watched their eyes and their body language, they've been knowing for a long time and haven't healed their inner child because their mothers didn't know what to do also, everyone is lost but yet everybody keeps making the wrong turn in fear of being judged but being judged anyway cause no decision keeps you from judgement, everyone has a vision for their life, other lives and earth but for earth to keep spinning, you have to let people be, you need balance, you need haters, to appreciate the love, you need to live your life cause no one knows what happens in death, you can't control everything or anyone