02; Second Chance At First Line

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02-Second Chance At First Line-(season one, episode two)♞

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-Second Chance At First Line-
(season one, episode two)

The benches didn't have many people occupying them. It was only a practice after all. Coach Finstock blew his whistle to gain everyone's attention and announced as loud as he could, "I know I'm amazing at my job but, I do need some help with you idiots. Joey Russo will be your new assistant coach." Some players cheered and clapped, while others smirked and whistled.

Joey only signed up because of extra credit. There was a sheet people could sign during the summer if they were interested. Nobody had signed. Naturally, Joey took that position and was excited to sit on the bench all practice doing nothing. But Coach had other plans.

"Jackson... Take a long stick." He said.

Coach turned to Joey with a nervous smile, "Keep an eye on McCall for me?"

Joey nodded and sat down on the bench. She was holding a clipboard and stopwatch for whatever reason. The whistle was blown and players scrambled throughout the field. Several plays were better than others. But then, it was Scott's turn.

"McCall, let's go."

Saying Joey was worried was an understatement. Stiles had practically begged her to quit the assistant coach position. He went on and on about how lacrosse was a rough sport. He was scared for the girl he barely knew to be caught in the supernatural.

She wasn't planning on quitting.

As Scott prepared for his turn the other players lined up watching him. He ran quickly towards the goal, inevitably landing on the ground with a groan. Words were shared from coaches side and Scott was filling with anger. His eyes became darker and his body grew more confident. He was pissed and Stiles was scared, not only for himself, but for his best friend.

"McCall's gonna do it again!" Coach yelled.

Players lined up once again and the whistle was blown. Scott ran faster than before. Everyone watched as Jackson was thrown to the ground, away from Scott in the process.

"Dear lord..." Joey mumbled.

Joey rushed to Jackson's side.
Stiles ran to Scott's.

"I can't con-" Scott stressed to Stiles.

Joey could overhear parts of the conversation between the boys. Raising her suspicions even more. The blonde tried to sneak away from Jackson's side but coach interrupted.

𝗝𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗔𝗟;  Stiles Stilinski ¹Where stories live. Discover now