15; Shape Shifted

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15-Shape Shifted-(season two, episode two)♞

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-Shape Shifted-
(season two, episode two)

Joey stood there. Not moving; just staring at the spot Lydia used to be in before she left to sit in the ambulance. She wondered how Lydia didn't end up getting hypothermia, or how she wasn't sick. It all just felt surreal. And now that she was back, all the attention would be back on her.

Joey just wanted to be the one they cared about for once. She wanted to be able to put herself first. And when she finally was ready to do that, Lydia went missing. Some parts of it felt like a sign. Other parts felt convenient. After all, she was taken... And not one of her friends had asked what happened.

That hurt.

"Jo? Can you hear me?" A warm hand landed on her shoulder. It reminded her of safety.

She turned her head slightly behind her to meet the person's eyes. It was Stiles.

"What's up?" She asked.

His eyes were filled with concern. "I said your name a bunch- you didn't respond. Where's your head at?"

Not wanting to concern him, she shrugged her shoulders and sighed. "I was just focused on Lydia being back. I'm glad she's okay." Then, she gave him a tight smile.

Stiles knew the smile wasn't real. He could see right through her. And anybody who loved her could see she wasn't just focused on Lydia. Her mind was somewhere else entirely.

But... He still returned the same tight smile she gave him. Letting her know he saw through it.

"Let's get you home, okay?"

She nodded. "Yeah, good idea."


"I'm serious, it's not like the other full moons. I don't feel the same." Scott kept pushing, but Stiles just didn't believe him. Neither did Joey.

Stiles grabbed Joey's backpack from her shoulder. Which was heavier than normal.

"Oh, does that include the urge to maim and kill people like us?" His hands waved towards him and Joey.

The group walked into the locker room; voices going quieter to not gain anyone's attention.

"I swear I don't have the urge to maim and kill you guys-"

"You know, you say that now but then the full moon goes up, and the fangs and the claws come out. And then there's the howling and screaming and running everywhere..."

𝗝𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗔𝗟;  Stiles Stilinski ¹Where stories live. Discover now