11; Co-Captain

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11-Co-Captain-(season one, episode ten)♞

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(season one, episode ten)

A school night is one of those things Joey usually dreads. Not because she has to get up early but because of the people. She's never really liked people. Her mom always said...

'It's in your nature.'

And of course at six years old, you don't really understand what that means. Joey would cry whenever someone would hold her, or hug her. It seemed to be a reoccurring theme. But now she was sixteen. And every time someone would hug her, it would ring bells in her head. Like it was wrong to not want one. She was raised that way.

Now, she craved one more than ever.

So when Stiles found her on the ground, close to being unconscious, and just held her. It felt like a dream come true. Peter, Derek's uncle, alpha, or any other title you could think of, dragged Derek away from her. They left and went out to what she was assuming was the woods. With Derek being a fugitive it seemed like the safest route.

Despite several pleas Derek let out, Peter ignored them and took him away from the girl who was bleeding from her head. It was a small cut, she fell on some glass that was left behind from who knows what.

Stiles clung tightly to the girl until she gained full consciousness. he whispered praise in her ear, because who wouldn't? She tried to stop Peter but everyone in the hospital that night knew it wouldn't work. It was just step one of Derek's control plan.

You might be asking, why go into so much detail of this one tiny situation? Because... It's Joeys turning point.

Joey wanted to fight Peter. To help Derek. She just didn't have the strength. But now, her being supernatural, it's time to put some real effort in. Do some research on what she is. Put herself first this time. She deserved it. And Stiles made sure she knew she deserved it.


"Can you drive faster?" Joey shouted at Stiles.

The girl could see him roll his eyes in the side mirror. "I'm trying my best here, okay?"

It took a solid five minutes to get there. And by then Joey had already been annoyed at Jackson before they even got to talk to him.

Stiles pulled the Jeep up to the blonde and watched as Allison's father inspected his car. The Porsche didn't look old, in fact it looked brand new. Nothing should be wrong with it.

𝗝𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗔𝗟;  Stiles Stilinski ¹Where stories live. Discover now