14; Omega

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14-Omega-(season two, episode one)♞

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(season two, episode one)

Jenson paced his living room. This is something he does often anyway. Except it was different this time. His brown eyes searched Joey's face every few minutes for any sign of movement or emotion. But there was nothing. So he continued to pace anxiously.

He knew that when she did wake up, it was going to be difficult to explain what had happened. What would he tell her? That he just kidnapped her to save her life? From the bits and pieces, he knew about Joey, she wouldn't buy into it. She would need more information. And without it, you would have to be pretty gullible to believe that, straight off the bat.

...Just like a werewolf beta.

A beta would believe anything their alpha told them. Right? If only Jenson knew one.... Or of one.

But wait, he did.

Scott McCall.

If he went down that route, it would probably end with him being mixed up in Joey's friend group, doing supernatural bounty hunting, or whatever. The other route would lead to him just getting punched by a newly turned vampire and probably passing out. So, maybe the first option was the way to go.

How would he get to him though? There was no way Scott would just listen to a stranger...

But he's not a total stranger.

Of course, Scott didn't know him or about him. But Jenson could work his way around that. All he had to do was get into the friendship circle of Scott McCall and then... Work around the minor details of the information he wanted to leave out. Telling the whole story would be that big of a deal.

Maybe just a catastrophic disaster. But he was willing to bet on it.


Over an hour, Joey had twitched a few times, snored a bit, and accidentally kicked Jenson. But she wasn't waking up.

He could pull her off the couch. No, that's too hostile.

Well, we'll just have to wait then.


The air was warm and humid. Not something Joey expected since it was so cold at prom. As she slowly opened her eyes, her other senses woke as well. She could feel the grass scraping at her arms. The sweat on her back. Everything seemed enhanced more than it was already. Except, she was really thirsty. That seemed to overpower every other feeling in her body.

𝗝𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗔𝗟;  Stiles Stilinski ¹Where stories live. Discover now