13; Code Breaker

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13-Code Breaker-(season one, episode twelve)♞

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-Code Breaker-
(season one, episode twelve)

Formal seemed to be the only thing that could've lifted the three teens spirits. Ever since the supernatural had been dropped on them, it seemed to cause a domino effect, where every time they solved an issue, a new one made itself known. Every day, Joey was there. She reminded the boys to be rational, and respectful. With each snarky remark, she brought a smile to someone's face. And now,

there was a chance she was dead.

And Stiles wouldn't be able to live with himself if that was the case.

"No, I'm not letting you leave them here." Stiles voice trembled as he combed through each girls hair with his fingers.

Peter wiped his hands, cleaning the blood as he spoke. "You don't have a choice, Stiles. You're coming with me."

"Just kill me! Look- I don't care anymore." He shouted. He couldn't leave them here. Alone.

Peter didn't waste any time. He pulled the boy up to his feet with a single claw rested under Stiles chin.

"Call your friend. Tell Jackson where they are. That's all you get."

He turned his head slightly and then met Stiles eyes once again. "Unless..."

Stiles eyes widened immediately. "Unless what?"

Laughter filled the air between them. "Unless, Joey wakes up before we leave. Then, I wouldn't mind if you brought her along for the ride. The more the merrier, am I right?"

"What about Lydia?" The boy asked.

Peter paused. "Go ahead and call. I doubt she's strong enough." His smile was disturbing. It made Stiles want to grab the girls and run, then and there.

As the alpha walked away into the woods, Stiles lifted his phone out of his pocket and dialed.

"C'mon Joey." He whispered.


The crowd was sparse. People were spreading out; walking towards their cars, bikes, etc. Formal was over, and it didn't even end on a good note.

"Somebody help! Help me!"

Jackson was carrying Lydia towards the school screaming. His voice echoed in peoples ears. "Get help! Please!" He begged.

𝗝𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗔𝗟;  Stiles Stilinski ¹Where stories live. Discover now