16; Ice Pick

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16-Ice Pick-(season two, episode three)♞

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-Ice Pick-
(season two, episode three)

Gym sucked for Joey. Mainly because she hated wearing shorts; they would always shift to uncomfortable spots. Allison seemed to have no problem with them though. She climbed up the rock wall flawlessly.

Her hips swayed as she switched positions on the rocks, making her way up. Scott followed behind her.

"They look cozy," Stiles whispered to Joey.

She gave him a quick nod. "Yeah, I'm glad they're doing okay."

Stiles tried to respond but Coach cut him off. "Stilinski, Greenberg, on the wall!" He then blew the whistle.

Joey gave the boy a thumbs-up with a smile. He responded with the same type of smile. Sweet and genuine.

Stiles and Greenberg made it up with no problem and kicked back off. Landing on the ground.

"Russo, Erica, on the wall!" Coach yelled.

Joey was quick to attach the suspending clip to her vest. Erica did the same, hesitantly.

Joey's sneakers pushed her up, rock by rock. Erica was going at a slower pace, finding her place on each rock.

She was shaking. And Joey noticed.

"You can let go, Erica. If anyone laughs at you I'll make sure they never speak again, alright?" Joey dropped down a few places to stay by the girl's side. She could see her fingers gripping tightly, her breathing was shallow, and her legs were about to buckle.

"I can even go with you." She eased. Her blonde hair was falling out of the ponytail and into her face, causing her to make a silly face.

Erica chuckled slightly.

"See? It's not so bad up here. But at any time we can go back down." She whispered.

Stiles watched from below, confusion covering his face. "What's she doing?"

Coach shrugged. "I'm not sure."

"C'mon Erica. Let's get back to the ground." Joey rested her hand on top of Erica's.

"Okay." She whispered back.

Both the girls kicked off the wall and made it to the ground with a huff.

"Are you okay? Do you need any water?" Joey asked.

𝗝𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗔𝗟;  Stiles Stilinski ¹Where stories live. Discover now