09: Lunatic

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09-Lunatic-(season one; episode eight)♞

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(season one; episode eight)

The werewolf had been forced once again by his best friend to go do something in the middle of the night. He expected nothing less. The previous events were bound to cause a reaction out of him.

"Can you tell me what we're doing out here?" He asked.

"Fine. When your best friend gets dumped-"

Scott interrupted, "I didn't get dumped. We're taking a break."

"Alright, when your best friend gets told by his girlfriend that they're taking a break..."

Stiles lifted a bottle of whiskey in his hand. "You get your best friend drunk, without the supervision of Joey."


It was now even later into the night and half the bottle was gone. Most of it being Stiles' doing.

"Dude, you know, she's just one girl. There's so many girls in the sea, man."

The wolf scoffed. "You mean fish?"

"Fish? I'm talking about girls. I love girls"

Scott sat with a bored expression; listening to his drunk friend.

"I love especially ones with blonde hair, green eyes, five foot six."

"Like Joey?" He asked.

"Yeah, wait- how'd you know?"

He rolled his eyes. "Dude, how would I not know? How does she not know, actually?"


"You are so drunk."

Stiles laughed. "Hey, your not happy. Take a drink."

"I don't want anymore." He dismissed.

"You're not drunk?" Stiles asked, slurring his words.

"I'm not anything."

As the boys gossiped about their feelings and relationships, Joey was having her own gossip session.

With the wall.

"Do you think I'm going crazy? I must be. Blood doesn't just randomly show up in a persons thoughts..."

𝗝𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗔𝗟;  Stiles Stilinski ¹Where stories live. Discover now