18; Venomous

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18-Venomous-(season two, episode five)♞

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(season two, episode five)

The night Joey went to Jenson's did not go how she expected it to go. She had planned to ask him what he knew about the girl she had seen in her dreams. Abby. The girl seemed to know him, and if Joey could get any information on the person invading her dreams, maybe she could understand the boy who had appeared in her life.

There was no doubt in her mind Jenson was in her life for a reason. Mainly due to the fact he showed up around the time Scott was turned.

Her heart was racing just thinking about why he was all of sudden in her life. But soon, hopefully, she would know why.

Joey took a few steps into the station. Which she had been been calling "Derek's hideout."

When she finally made it to a point where she could see in, it was a sight she figured she might see. Erica and Isaac held onto Jackson's arms, as Derek questioned him.

( Joeys POV )

"Maybe while you were curled in the corner having an existential crisis about turning into a monster, I was preparing-" Jackson's voice was so annoying, I couldn't bare not interrupting.

"I don't think you have to be a monster to have an existential crisis, Jackson." I called out.

Each of their heads turned to me.

"Sorry to interrupt... Just wondering why, you need to hide in a cave like batman." I chuckled.

Derek laughed humorously, definitely not finding me funny. "I miss when you were nicer, Jo."

"Me too. But sometimes you have to change to survive-" I cut myself off to grab a piece of glass off the ground. "He's not the snake you're looking for. He's just a normal snake."

I handed the glass to Isaac.

Isaac quickly dropped some venom into it and let it drop into Jackson's mouth and stood back. Jackson fell to the ground with a groan.

Derek's voice was calm. "It's better to test and be wrong then to not test at all."

I mumbled a 'yeah,' then continued. "I miss you, Derek. I don't know what's changed with you but, I miss you."

After looking around for a few minutes, I left. I didn't want to cause any fights. I just wanted to check on him and see if he was okay.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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