17; Abomination

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17-Abomination-(season two, episode four)♞

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(season two, episode four)

The moon was shining onto Joey's bike. It covered it entirely.

Usually, if Joey couldn't sleep, especially at three in the morning, she would just put on some music and drift off. This night was different. Joey threw her backpack onto her shoulders and hopped on. Starting down the dimly lit street.

Something about tonight made her want to leave.

Maybe it was instinct or just a random impulsive thought, but she really couldn't take being in her house all night.

The wheels turned on the bike as she pedaled. And they kept going until she arrived at a particular house.

Jenson's house.

It was beautifully built and the brick was a dark maroon. The roof had dark shingles that reflected the moon and street lamps.

Joey stepped off her bike and walked towards the door, clenching her fists by her sides.

When she gripped the handle her hand slipped off. It was covered in a weird goo.

Joey cringed, wiping her hands onto the brick. But then she was a lizard type figure in the corner of her eyes. She quickly pushed the thought away.

"Nice house, Jenson." She mumbled, raising her fist to knock instead.

Her hand shook as it got closer to the door. In the distance a light turned on inside the house.

"Joey?" Jenson asked, pulling the door open.

her leg moved forward to take a step but it gave out, making her fall to the ground.

"Oh my god-"

Her whole body went numb. She couldn't move a muscle. "What is up with your house?" She groaned.

"Do you want me to drag you inside?" He asked, sorta smiling at how dumb this all was.

"No. Call Scott.." Her voice wavered.

He nodded pulling the girls phone out of her pocket.


Scott pulled into a clearing and got out of the car. Pulling Stiles along with him.

"What happened? Is she okay?" He asked, kneeling down to her.

𝗝𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗔𝗟;  Stiles Stilinski ¹Where stories live. Discover now