07: Night School (1)

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07-Night School: Part 1-(season one, episode seven)♞

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-Night School: Part 1-
(season one, episode seven)

The boys held the door closed with all their strength. Every bit of doubt they once had was now just pure panic. And it wasn't going away.

"Anything?" Stiles shouted.

Scott shook his head. They needed to find a way to keep the door closed so they could run. And Stiles had just found the way.



Stiles opened the door slightly and slipped out.

"Stiles, wait!" Joey yelled.

He quickly grabbed the pliers from outside. Making his way back in after the several warnings. Stiles shoved the pliers between the doors and held it together. "You dumbass."

"Where is it?" He asked, grabbing Joey's hand.

The group stepped back and stared at the door.

"That's not gonna hold." Joey muttered.

As the blonde looked around, she only saw the all too familiar hallway. It seemed longer than before but that might have been because she was terrified of what might be down there.

The trio ran to the nearest classroom, shoving each other inside. They piled things against the door to keep it shut. "It's definitely your boss."

Scott gasped. "What, no!"

"Oh come on, he disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet through the air? That's not convenient timing?" Stiles ranted.

"It's not him, Stiles."

"He killed Derek!" Joey whispered.

The wolf rolled his eyes. "No, Derek's not dead."

"His mouth was basically a waterfall. He's dead and now we are. Happy?"

"Okay! Just... What do we do?" Scott asked.

"We get to my Jeep, we get out of here, you seriously think about quitting your job, good?"
Stiles joined in.

Once they had agreed on the plan, Scott tried to open the nearest window. "Those don't open."

He gave Joey a glare. "What? The schools climate-controlled."

𝗝𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗔𝗟;  Stiles Stilinski ¹Where stories live. Discover now