06; Heart Monitor

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06-Heart Monitor-(season one, episode six)♞

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-Heart Monitor-
(season one, episode six)

The frigid air hit Joey's back as she walked, making her shiver. Her head pounding. The walk was a last minute decision, causing her to have barely anything with her. Joey had only brought her shoes, which she hadn't bothered to put on yet. She was just focusing on the sounds around her. It was calming to an extent.

Every noise was amplified in her mind. The leaves rustling, tree branches snapping. She could even hear slight crackles of electricity from the street lamps. Of course, she knew that wasn't normal. Nowhere near. But... She had nobody to tell that would understand exactly what she was experiencing.

So that's why she chose to walk.

The more walks she took, the calmer she was. At least the open air, wasn't home. Her room was beginning to smell of metallic more and more. It was beginning to be the only thing that she could think about. And that, caused her headaches to worsen. It was to the point of constantly burning candles so she could mask the smell.


Joey turned around as fast as she could. The noise of broken branch close by.


And another; this time closer than before. The blonde quickly turned back around and shoved her hand against a taller figure. That was another side effect of the headaches. Heightened reflexes.


She slowly lifted her head and met eyes with the figure. His eyes a glowing a bright yellow.

"How do you know my name?"

The man carefully took a few steps back to put distance between the two. "Because I know you."

Joey was ready to run, but decided to stay.

"What? How?" She asked.

"My name is Jenson. I saw you as a baby." He revealed.

Joey's eyes trailed over him, leaving a thick silence. "We're you following me?"

"You could say that; you're father asked me to keep you under my watch."

"Under your watch? Are you a cop or something?"

Jenson shook his head. "No. I am very much not a cop, or human..."

The girl's eyes went wide and her mouth opened slightly. "What?"

𝗝𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗔𝗟;  Stiles Stilinski ¹Where stories live. Discover now