Chapter (2)

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(Edited 19/6/22

Author note: thank you for the 16 reads i apprentice it, as always feel free to give me ideas for future chapters I'd love to hear it. Constructive criticism is welcome as well enjoy the chapter!

You slowly brought your hand up to the sword part of the sword fish, once in your hand you slowly tugged it back towards yourself,avoiding any sudden movements that would startle the shark-man to attack you, you still wore a suspicious look on your face as you took the rest of the fish closer to you, once you had ensured he wouldn't attack you, you'd slowly extended your hand to the small anchor chains that you made and pulled them slowly to lift the anchor from the water engrossed sand.

After you retrieved the anchor you started to reel it back to the raft with some extra rope that you had laying besides the anchors place on the raft and you turned to the fish-man who was still staring at you absolutely awestruck still. The look on his face caused a quirk up on your lips which turned into a small smile. "So- can you" You spoke unsurely, but to your surprise he nodded at the question, you nodded in understanding with a slightly larger smile tugging smile at your lips.

"Well that's great that your can understand me shark-man, so what's your name?" You asked still a bit uneasy around the large fish like creature unsure of your questions and yourself incase this interaction was just one all big dilution from being out at sea for too long. You waited for his reply but not much to your surprise he shook his head in a 'no' motion. You stared at the swordfish for awhile, observing it for a moment you slowly reached out for the swordfish, once it was in your hand you slowly begun to retrieve it and tug it closer towards yourself, knife in unused hand once again, the fish man shrieked back at the sight of it although his loving gaze didn't even falter a bit, despite how long he stared at you unblinking you felt somewhat safe, though you refused to fall into the security due to how mermaids would lure people into a false sense of security and then kill the people once they fell into the safety, or was that sirens? You couldn't remember.

"Well then." You stared back at the shark-man for awhile before shivered slightly from the frosty air. "Did you..want me to give you a name?" You allowed a small comfortable smile onto your face, which caused the shark-man you quite literally wheeze due to the amount of attention that was placed onto him, in which his quickly set up a tough man facade and nodded as tough as he could, which looked rather stupid but you didn't wanna ruin this for him.

"Well alright, so this may sound extremely stupid but uh since your eyes are, extremely blue-" you halted as the shark man's smile turned into a guttural snarl as the state your idea would sound stupid, you shuffled back again trying to keep your mind off of how sharp his teeth were and how dangerous he is, you continued in hope to calm him back down and too, y'know not kill you, you urged yourself to continue.

"So as I was saying since your eyes are blue, how do you feel about the" You cringed at the end of the sentence at how your voice cracked when you mumbled.

Blues face lit up completely as his eyes quite literally turned to cartoony looking hearts, a childish grin on his face and he flopped his way onto the raft in a lunge to hug you, you flinched back nearly falling into the water as you flinched back so hard you fell off of the raft, you prepared yourself for impact but before you fully fell off the grin raft, two webbed hands wrapped around you body.

-Words 682

'Life afloat' Shark!YB x readerWhere stories live. Discover now