chapter (8)

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After blue had left and the storm surpassed I decided to attempt to find land, I know all land was inhabitable but I knew that horrible storm wasn't gonna be gone forever, so I'll just stay there until the storm passed I could see the dark ominous clouds already starting to glide back into view like a kite. I needed to find land and quickly so I lifted my make-shift anchor from the slightly swollen rocks below and set off to find a temporary place to rest that wasn't waterborne

Eventually when all hope was lost and I was sure I was lost a small island appeared into sight, of course it was covered in weeds and toxins and would sure be deadly if I remained on it for more than a few hours but I had no other option. It was either die on land or in the ocean and personally you wanted to die on solid ground rather than an ocean where fish and other creatures, monsters, and parasites would just eat your guts.

Once you were onto the land and anchored your surprisingly bigger than raft you breathing near immediately became labored from the fumes in the air this whole island was probably flamable if a single spark appeared. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

Of course blue had seen this whole thing happen as he may of been following you, but not stalking no he was 'keeping you safe' as he would've worded it. Blue wanted to stop you from stepping even within metres of that island but he knew it would've upset you, he probably knew more about you than you did yourself

-words 289
Enjoy this quick chapter I made before school)

'Life afloat' Shark!YB x readerWhere stories live. Discover now