chapter (14)

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Eventually you managed to get blue back into the salty water below you, it was quite the bother as due to his large shark tail he was rather heavy to drag so blue decided to pity you and help even though of he didn't he'd get more contact with you, but blue wanted to be good for today.

Later on in the day you were harvesting the crops you'd grown over the few months you had been there, you were humming softly a slight growl undertone in your hum, you continued until you heard the sound you'd grown to recognize as blues  chuff-like-sound, it did sound similar to a lion just softer with a slight mellow undertone.

You turned around to be met by, of course blue but something seemed different, he looked smug about something. "Why so smug today blue?" You asked with a buzz of slight excitement. "Well I um.." blue started but was soon cut off by the sound of your squeal as he spoke to you the first  time ever, you though he'd have a voice like he does but that was an understatement, blue looked esthetic that you seemed to like his voice.

"Can you say anymore.?" You asked, curiousity marked your tone strongly as you beamed at him. Blue simply nodded a bit shy, he seemed worried when he looked smug when he first arrived at your raft. "I can.." blue seemed to mumble the next while trying to hide his face in the water without hiding his eyes as he looked down to the left. "Blue, sweetheart are you that nervous to talk to me?" You teased slightly as you looked down at the shark man, "blue, darling you doing alright down there? You look a bit stunned" you let out a half formed choked laugh before quickly repressing it to not embarrass blue.

Blue nodded again this time looking back at you with a 'pleading puppy' look plastered on his face. "Blue no I'm  not kissing you right now, your still under my watch because you know what you did, you're not getting much affection until you apologizing and showing me some way you're sorry, you could've hurt yourself and me if you weren't careful and I need you to understand that." Blue looked defeated  before a whine choked from deep within his throat, you realized how sad he looked but you had to remain strong so he knew not to do that again

Words - 421
(Sup my readers I've returned from the dead with your food, eat up

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