Chapter (31)

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It had been a couple of days since you saw..ahem the body of that woman and to be honest you were pretty worried about it, what happened, who did that, why did they do that?? You shook your head in an attempt to get that out of your system and focused on the magical buck that you were currently riding, you focused on the splash yet trotting sounds that same from underneath you, sure it's was weird but it was also a pretty cool experience in your opinion.

Soon enough the buck sped up to an inhuman pace of running, you nearly fell off of his back but you held onto him tighter to ensure you didn't fall off into the ocean, you were on a mission, and one that you wanted to make sure you survive and don't drown during it.

You looked forward in the direction that the buck was facing and there you saw a large inhabited ship. You were nearly jumping for joy but you had to remain low and out of sight in fear of being caught. You felt slightly weaker than normal due to the long journey and you rationing the food in case of a longer journey. You quickly sipped some fresh water and grabbed some rope from your necessity basket and tied a a knot that would tighten around apart of the ship when pulled down.

You looked around the ship for a way that you could throw the lasso-like rope you'd made, then you spotted a small part to attach the rope at the bow of the ship and threw the rope at it a few times, you'd missed a couple but you managed to latch the rope to the bow and you used all of your upper body strength to pull yourself up which left you panting for a few moments.

You looked down to the buck while you were sat atop of the ship in a crouching position and you both acknowledged what you were doing with a nod from both of your heads.

You didn't know what you were gonna do but it sure wasn't going to be nice to those sailors.


(And there we have it! We've arrived at the ship! Sorry this chapter is short I'm still working on lengthiness the chapters, also my school just started back up after a break. Also good news is the 20k chapter is nearly done I just have to finish the male smut and put it through editing! But again it will take awhile since I have a full schedule. Hope y'all are doing good I look forward to replying to your comments

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