chapter (11)

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Ever since blue kissed you he seemed to bring you small gifts such as maybe a dollar or a pearl, fuck sometimes he found small chopped diamonds to give you. It was sweet of him.

Perhaps he saw you in some special light you didn't see yourself in, were you that rare?

Blue arrived to your raft as always at the same time each day, dawn to dusk. Well he was always there just sometimes a bit more 'hidden' than others but he was always there through day to night he only ever left you for an hour out of 24 hours he slept for an hour than went to you always bringing something with him either it be, fish or diamonds it was always something.

Today blue had arrived with a small partially dried elastic rope and, holy shit was that an emerald?!. You saw before your eyes an emerald a real emerald you had only ever seen such a rare mineral in museums or games, but here before your eyes was an emerald. You stared in awe at the emerald completely stunned by the gift in front of you. You heard a small purr like noise erupting from blues throat as he tied the emerald to the rope until it was sturdy as a board before placing in around your neck purring as he did so, a small kiss to your neck as a rewards for being so kind, you always expected him to do so as he kissed your neck everytime he saw you at least once.

You expected a kiss to your neck anyways but you were met with a hard ferocious bite. You held back a quiet whimper, blue did not seem impressed by you holding back so he stuck his tongue out until it made contact with your neck, it was like a flip was switched because you released the exact thank you he expected, a quiet mewl of a moan.

Blue seemed happy after this happened because he left your slightly bleeding neck alone after the moan boiled out of your throat.

He backed up after your flushed face begun to settle down, and just like that you were launched back further into your boat as blue jumped on top of you immediately making out with you, a trail of saliva connected your tongues you couldn't tell who was who's due to the daze that washed over you like hypnosis.

You legs were wrapped around blues waist as you slightly grinded against each other as blue decided it would be a good idea to stuff your throat with his tongue. You eyes rolled back as he continued to grind into your pelvis, you let a desperate whine escape your throat as he continued to throat fuck you.

You two continued this less than savoury act until a loud bellow escaped the ocean below. Blue quickly swam off again at the loud sound. He seemed almost vivid once the sound disappeared as he did.

What was it??

Words -525

(Author note. If creepypasta is your thing and so is laughing jack go check out my newest fic I'm writing

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