chapter (16)

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So there it was right in front of you the golden egg that looked to be made up of harmless flames. You stared in awe then turned your head to blue who was just looking away from you with a shy smile on his face, honestly shyness looked good on him.

You turned your head back to the egg of blazes, it seemed to glow brighter at you leaning you hand closer, you decided against touching it for now as you had to figure out how to raise a creature of such passion without experience, you gathered a small cloth from your boat and placed it near the egg for you to lay on.

"Blue, sweetheart??" He seemed to immediately respond and swam closer on an instant as if you just called a dog for treats. You looked down at him with a soft smile. "Did you ever have a name before y'know, I basically named you??"  You asked curiousity seeping from the seams as if honey dripping from a full beehive.

Blue nodded slowly seeming, embarrassed. You urged blue to continue and tell you but all he said was that 'i don't like my name, blue is fine' you decided to leave it at that after a low rumble lifted from the egg.

Was it already hatching? How long had it been since it was left there?.

You watched contently at the egg, blue looked happy that you liked the egg although he disliked the lack of attention that he was receiving currently.

Soon enough the egg top popped off the body of the egg and popped out was a chick, it looked odd the feathers currently looking as if ash from a flame bit you were sure they would grow brighter in due time due to blue telling you that information.

You were stunned at how fast the chick learnt to walk, it toppled over to you still basically tumbling, it due time the chick nuzzled up to your thigh rubbing it's head against it. You looked over to blue who seemed extremely jealous of the chick although you ignored it thinking it was nothing.

You gently rubbed behind the chicks ear feathers while emitting a coo like noise.

-words 430

(Comment names for the chick the names can be masculine feminine or neither it doesn't matter although the chick will be referred to as she/they/it in the story. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will be posting another one later I'm just struggling with sleep rn so I wrote a chapter to help lol

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