chapter (15)

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Later on that day blue decided to pull at the anchor until he was able to wrap his hands around the heavy part of the anchor and then he begun to pull it as his tail kept him swimming smoothly.

You of course noticed this but wasn't that bothered as you knew it was just him, so instead of scolding blue you just put TK back into his bulletproof glass cage that he went in while you were sleeping or travelling. TK didn't look that bothered but instead coiled into a ball to avoid the scolding light.

You looked down into the crystal clear water only to be met with a kind smile from blue as he looked up at you as if you were a god(ess). You of course smiled back at him.

After an hour of blue pulling your boat somewhere you finally arrived where he wanted you, it appeared to be a waterfall but..the water from this island looked unaffected by any human contamination, infact it looked undiscovered by the human species at all, it seemed untouched by the outside world at all. Like a beautiful sanctuary.

Then blue nudged you under the waterfall and there appeared to be an egg of sorts a mythical egg...

(Please comment what mythical creature you want to hatch)
Words -222

'Life afloat' Shark!YB x readerWhere stories live. Discover now