Chapter (29) REVAMP)

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Tk had motioned for you to drink it..

And that you did, you uncorked the swirling potion, it looked magical and majestic as you stared as the different coloured swirls swayed looking as if they were delicate pearls.

You stared at the potion for a little longer before gulping it down.

It tasted sweetly as if a sugary treat that you'd get from a bakery on a dewy morning.

Once it had been drunken the effects were nearly immediate.


it's been nearly 1 and a half days of me being in this vile ship, so far I've been poorly treated and stabbed with harpoons when I move to much, humans can be such disgusting creatures, these vile creature have brought me away from my darling, they're by far the only human I've met with a brain ,these scoundrels have massive egos.

I turned my head towards the vile pirates which have been my captors as they held out a small cod for me to eat, I took it in a snap as they flinched when I got close to their hand, a grin spread across my face as I decided to tease them a bit more by lunging out at them again in a teasing manner, that's likely the only entertaining thing about being stuck in this mess. Other than watching the pirates fight I normally slept until poked awake by them for my food or to be dunked in the water to keep my scales looking decent although they were losing their shine from the lack of proper care.

But this time their lack of care was taken to fucking far when they took the toothy necklace which would lay comfortably on my neck, when they tried to take the precious item from me I did something I should regret but quite frankly I don't, I bit the dudes hand clean off but quickly spat it back out, their blood tasted absolutely rancid, I gagged at the taste and once again tried to thrash my way out of the painful net, my powerful tail thrashed around in the net, although it stung to do I kept trying to escape biting at the net every so often which was quite difficult one of my teeth inevitably fell out only to be nearly immediately replaced by a newer one. I kept on thrashing around in a attempt to escape and return to my darling..they must be worried sick about me!.

My attempts to escape were soon stopped by some type of dart shot at me, I'd completely forgotten than humans had developed such things as sedation, I kept trying to fight the dart eventually pulling it out of my neck and throwing it into the ocean through one of the many holes of the net.

Although I put up a good fight I soon fell into the sedation as it forced me into a pained uncomfortable sleep.

(Your pov)

Your hands grew a tingling sensation which wouldn't go away no matter how hard you itched, it was uncomfortable and barely manageable due to the intensity of the unknown sensation.

You watched your hands hopefully as you tried to figure out what the potion did to you.

Suddenly a off glow in front of you attracted your attention to the water, the glow was bright and blue with a calming aura revolving around the area, you walked closer to the water to be met with the slightly scaly snout of what appeared to be a small water stag, their antlers poked from the water as it's misty body emerged from the water, causing the stag to stand besides you.

The calming aura grew the longer it was next to you, the stags posture was relaxed and calm.

"Uhm, hello there stag. Is there something you needed by any chance..?" You looked towards the stag again as it shook it's head and motioned to your palm with it's soft nose. You must've looked confused because it basically kept motioning to your palm until you understood why, did you just summon a stag?- or perhaps the magic lured it towards you.

Did TK mix up the potions?.

Words - 742

(Hello everyone!! I decided to revamp the chapter into something less confusing. I apologize if the earlier version of this chapter was weird, that's why I changed it hopefully this change of chapter helps to make the story more enjoyable from here on out :)

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