Chapter (24)

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You did your best to push blue off of you, it was nearly impossible to escape his grasp of you, but you somehow managed to escape much to his dismay, blue let out a loud half whine half snarl noise but let you get out of the water.
You quickly scrambled out of the water before blue changed his mind, you dusted off the sand and gravel from your clothes that were sticking to you due to your wet clothes, you heard a snarl from your boyfriend, you looked around to where your boyfriend was staring daggers at, it was at a beautiful large willow tree, you looked up more to be met with a harpy nest, you observed for awhile longer just to realise there appeared to be a harpy in their nest staring down at you, you stared at the harpy confused for awhile longer and only stopped staring at it when you heard a ear splitting growl from beneath you, just as you thought it was blue growling at the harpy.

And just as you were about to recommend that you two should leave, you were being tugged back into the water as blue begun to swim away as fast as you could, which was around the speed of the cheetah at full speed. Although he still kept most of his fins above water so you didn't get too wet even if his caused him to be more vulnerable to the now swooping harpy attacks as it attempted to grab at you, likely to bring you to its nest.

The harpy kept trying to swoop down to grab you occasionally nipping blue's tail when they were in reach. I'll have to treat that once we get back to the cave..' you thought to yourself staring at the small wounds up and down blues tail, you were worried about one particular wound which went slightly deeper than the others as it reached the flesh of his tail, it would likely scar if not taken care of properly

Eventually after awhile longer you two finally lost the harpy and begun to head back to the cave the two of you shared, he seemed quite a bit disappointed in something while the two of you headed back, but you couldn't figure it out, in fact little did you know he was going to take that walk the two of you were having to ask to court you.

Once blue finally finished swimming to the cave he placed you on the ground and you walked over to the place you kept your items to help with wounds and went to grab something to disinfect the wound and you tried to find the gentlest disinfected so it wouldn't damage his skin, after the had found disinfected that wouldn't damage his scales and skin too much you grabbed some string bandages you made yourself.

You slowly walked back over to blue who seemed to be dazed so you walked slowly as to not startle him. You tapped blues shoulder and eh looked at you, you gently pulled blue slightly out of the water, which was probably only easy because he was helping you move him. You begun to gently apply the disinfectant and bandages to the talon marks.

Once you were finished you looked over your work making sure nothing was out of place and you looked up to look at blue and it was then you noticed blues face was flushed with that extreme blush once more, you remembered what happened earlier when he looked at you like that so you stepped away, blue of course tried to grab you to make you stay near him but only just failed by about an inch and that was because of his sore tail.

Once you got away from his grasp he pouted and sat at the bottom of the pond under the water out of view waiting for you to come closer so he could bring you where he was planning on earlier, in which you eventually did after a few hours to grab water from the pond and filter it to drink,Blue grabbed you when he had the chance and knew when you wouldn't be able to get away it was planned perfectly as he grabbed you he held you carefully and swam out of the cage towards the top of the hill which took awhile away considering he had to find a stream of water that lead to the top of the hill, but once he finally found a clear path that avoided the harpy he swam to the top of the hill and carefully placed you at the ledge which was still in his reach and you both sat down just in time for the sunset.

The both of you were watching the sunset together and blue took that chance and carefully located his shiniest and healthiest scale, just as you turned around you find both of his webbed hands out with something small yet shiny in them, it took awhile for you to see what it was he was holding. But once you picked up the scale you smiled warmly at him still admiring the scale. You unknowingly accepted his mating offering by accepting his scale and not throwing it out in which he grinned at. But he had to wait for you to wear it in someway to mate with you to know that you truly accepted your fate by his side.

Words - 1001

(Hello it's quill here I'd just like to say I hope you enjoyed this chapter also I'm always open to people asking questions in the comments and I will try my best to reply, I'd like to mention thank you too the person who said they thought this chapter was a bit rushed and I hope I fixed it plus you guys get to have more writing this chapter has near 1000 words which is supervising for my writing, enjoy your day/night

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