Chapter (3)

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Hello it's be again quill I'd just to say. I am now taking requests for chapters of this series so that I won't get burnt out on ideas I will take any ideas as long as no lemon or smut is in place (spice is aloud) I am just uncomfortable writing fully blown lemon and with that! Enjoy the chapter

"Ahhh!!" You yelped as the scaly arms pulled you into them, a swift nuzzle to your chest woke you from your frightened daze. "What- are you doing!" You thrashed trying to escape his grip, your fight flight or freeze response say in. Your body decided to choose flight, "let me go!" You managed to wiggle from his deadly grasp, you quickly jumped atop your raft. "Why would you do that!." You yelled clearly annoyed and frustrated from getting your clothes wet along with your hair.

Blues pov
My love had given me a name! A lovely name. They care
I pulled my love into a hug out of pure excitement.
Why did they push me away? I thought they wanted a hug.
Now their mad. I made my love mad, 'great job blue you idiot' I thought to myself with a whimper. My looked back up to my love giving them puppy dog eyes as to apologise. It seems they still were upset. I swam back into the ocean looking for an apology gift.

(Birdseye view pov)
You decided to strip into your underclothes, gathering some of your filtered water. You dropped the cleaned water into a large plastic container alongside all your few outfits of clothing. You hummed as you moving your clothes around in the container cleaning all collected dust and sweat off of the clothing. Eventually you heard a clatter off something that sounded of metal. You then turned around to be met with the mershark you had named blue, you simply glared at him then turned your attention back to your clothing pile, ignoring the whine that broke your heart he left you feeling like you just kicked a puppy.

Although you still ignored him till you heard the sound of thrashing fins against water.
You then hung up your clothes making sure they were tightly hung up.
You soon heard the sound of creeping wooden noises and turned around to be met with another raft. This one however looked larger and more well put together so you decided to do what any sane human would do. Grab your knife and check to make sure their was no grievers. You walked atop the raft to be met with an ungodly amount of high quality weapons and near sprouted crops along with materials. So you decided to take them slightly upset you knew no one would just abandon a raft like that without trying to take a few things. It could only mean they died but just then you were met by the worst thing you could be met with once you entered the bedroom that they created. You were met with.. (cliff hanger lol. What could you be met with next episode? You could request what it is or find out what I can think of ;) sorry I didn't get this out sooner I'm having a few issues lol

'Life afloat' Shark!YB x readerWhere stories live. Discover now