Chapter (22)

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Once the sun was about to arrive the morning dew begun to evaporate atop of the cave to create small droplets, you awoke at the perfect time as the sun begun to rise you got to watch it in all of its majestic glory.

Only once you left the cave did you notice the disappearance of blue, you walked back inside your cave and quickly let Tk out for him to roam the island as you knew their were no predators on the island, once Tk went roaming you grabbed the small piece of leather you had turned into an armlet and placed it onto your none-dominant forearm and called for your Phoenix, and which she more than happily perched onto.

Once you had Charlie perched on your arm you looked where blue normally was when you woke up but to no avail, so you were left with no choice to go around and look for him.

"Blue? Where are you, can you hear me blue!!" You were finally relieved to find blue pop up from the ocean waves looking rather nervous.

"Oh! Y/n.." blue looked at you rather guilty and disappointed in himself

"LookImSoSorryIShouldntHaveLeftYouForThatLongIWasProbalyGoneHoursButIHadToGetSomethingFromSomewhereButIPromiseIDidntMeanToPleaseWouldYouEverBeAbleToForgiveMeICantForgiveMyselfIfYouDontForgiveMePleaseMyLoveIllDoAnythingIMeanAbsolutelyAnythingAnythingAtAll!!!" You knew he would've kept rambling if you didn't stop him so you decided to cut in on his little apologising rant.

"Blue sweetheart i'm fine I promise you and I forgive didn't mean to leave for that long just please don't do it again.." blue obviously looked relieved at this and lunged up at you, you didn't flinch as you had gotten used to his sudden bursts of affection

"Do you wanna like go exploring with me today blue? I mean it's the first day of spring after all and I discovered that the river leads out towards the whole island so you could go anywhere with me today" you offered still a tad bit bitter from being left but you didn't want to make blue feel worse.

Blue excitedly accepted your offer as he jumped back into the water.

Today was going to be great.

Words -

(Btw if I underline a random word like I did in this chapter it means something like a little one worded puzzle so comment it down if you figure out the puzzle and I'll tell you if it's correct or not! Just because this is the first time I did it the word for this chapter is spring :) enjoy figuring it out! Your hint is shark btw

'Life afloat' Shark!YB x readerWhere stories live. Discover now