chapter (39)

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blues pov

where the hell were you?! he'd been looking for months upon months for you for no avail. were you alright? you would of starved by now!! had you starved?

blue forced himself out of his thoughts and did his best to keep swimming. considering he'd been looking for you non-stop for days, continuing to swim was getting harder each hour, as each hour flew by blue's swimming got worse and his eyeslight got foggy.

by now he'd thought that he had travelled through every damn ocean and sea to ever exist. He missed you so much and was so worried.

but you had to be alive still,right? if you survived on a raft for probably months then surely you'd be fine!

unless you got eaten..or mauled.

blue shook off the thoughts and continued to swim while he could but as he continued to swim his vision got worse and worse. blue's attention got caught by someone shiny below him. he looked down. huh? it looked like a type of scale. Blue went closer to investigate the strange scale, it didn't look like any fish he'd seen before and it was certainly to big to be from a type of mermaid, the scale was roughly the size of blue's hand.

blue picked up the shining scale for a closer look, it had a mysterious colour to it, hmm but who's was it? realization hit blue like a tidal wave. He knew one dragon who had such a beautiful array of scale..if only his personality was as pretty as his scales.

Blue sniffed the fallen scale with interest. He recognised the scent immediently, it belonged to that cocky asshole of a dragon. blue grasped onto the scale tightly and narrowed his eyes, Blue looked around suspiciously and continued to swim forward, huh where did that cave come from? Blue could of sworn that wasn't there earlier, where had it come from? why was he entering the cave? where am i?

'Life afloat' Shark!YB x readerWhere stories live. Discover now