Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Who would have ever thought that Viktor was actually right that day.

The man the General was whispering to, comes over to us and asks us to follow him.

We both oblige and follow him out of the tent.

"Go." He orders.

Alina doesn't move, so nor do I.

I was going to move. I just know Alina will fight to see Mal and I won't let her fight that battle alone, I also want to see him.

"You heard me. Let's go. Get in." He says, a bit harsher than the first time.

"No." Alina responds calmly. "There's been a mistake. I need to find Mal."

"The general doesn't make mistakes." The man answers, clearly already done with us. "His orders were to bring you to the Little Palace immediately. Now get in the coach."

"Everybody makes mistakes." Alina answers, a lot more collected than the man. "Look at us. Do we look important to you?"

"Well, you did just shoot light out if your arm Alina." I whisper to her.

"Not helping." She answers, glaring slightly at me.

"You look like trouble. Which is nearly the same. Now move." He says, a warning in his tone.


She is really not going to give up, is she? I guess that's a good characteristic, but I really don't think he is ever going to let us see Mal.

"Malyene Oretsev." She continues. "He's in the medic tent. I need to speak to him."

Something on her face changes. I know that look: she's going to go get what she wants herself.

"I'm going to speak to him." She says, while starting to walk away.

He grabs her wrist and pulls her back towards him.

"Listen to me." He starts, warning her. "Every spy in the area will hear about what you and your sister did and our enemies will come for the both of you. Our only chance is to get the two of you to Os Alta, behind palace walls, before you get killed. Now, come on." He says pulling her towards one of the two coaches.

"Mal!" Alina suddenly screams.

I follow her line of sight to see Mal running towards us. Or more limping towards us.

"Alina! Anya!" He screams back.

I start running towards him, but before I can get even a meter closer to him, I feel two arms around my waist lifting me up.

I start kicking my legs around and screaming for Mal.

The person that's holding me puts me into one of the coaches and gets in after me.

Alina is already in her coach and it's slowly starting to leave. Mal is still running behind us and yelling our names.

My coach also starts to leave and Mal becomes smaller and smaller until I can't see him anymore.


I slowly turn around to look at my carriage and the people in it.

In the seat in front of me sits a woman, with fiery red hair and grass green eyes. She's wearing a blue Kefta with red details. She's an Inferni.

And next to her sits a muscly man with chestnut brown hair and eyes. He's wearing a blue Kefta with blue accents. He's a Tidemaker. He must be the one who carried me into the coach.

Fire and Shadows (DarklingxOC) (Shadowandbone fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now