Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

When we arrive at the Little Palace, there is a coach waiting outside with Alina and two men dressed in red with black embroidery. Heartrenders. I wonder how long she must have waited on us. There backs are towards us, so they didn't see us coming.

"Why are we just waiting here?" I faintly hear Alina ask.

"We are waiting on your sister." The smaller of the two men answers, looking around. "There she is." He says once he spots us.

They all turn towards us. General Kirigan stops his horse and jumps down and then helps me down as well.

"You are not wearing a Kefta." He suddenly states.

Was I supposed to wear one?

"Sorry, I didn't know I had to wear one." I respond, stuck in between him and the horse.

"Mila was supposed to give you one." He informs me.

"Oh, well I didn't receive anything, sorry." I explain.

He sigh frustrated. "At least now you're safe in the Little Palace, so the next Kefta you will receive, will be yours to keep." He says, before freeing me from my cage.

I run over to Alina and the two men in red, with General Kirigan following behind me.

"Alina!" I scream, before jumping into her arms.

Alina staggers back a bit. Once she has found her balance again, she hugs me back.

"What happened, Anya. Why are you so late?" She asks, after she broke the hug.

"My coach got attacked." I explain.

"Are you okay?" She asks with sisterly concern.

"I'm fine. General Kirigan came to my rescue." I say while giving the General a thankful smile.

She looks at me questioningly, before the General interrupts.

"Let's bring you to your rooms." He says before leading us into the Little Palace.

"You'll be safe here. The Palace is the most secure building in the whole country. I made sure of it." He explains, while leading us to an open door with two guards.

He stops in front of it and we follow his lead. He takes a step back, closer to another set of doors.

"Where are you going?" Alina asks him.

This is a perfect example of how Alina is a lot bolder than me. I thought the same thing, but didn't say it out loud, because it's none of my business.

"Bring them to separate vezda suites." He orders the guards, completely ignoring Alina.

"Are we prisoners?" She asks in disbelief.

"All of Ravka is. Until you and I have banished the Fold." He responds, before walking away.

"So no pressure." She says to herself before turning and following the guards.

I follow her silently.


The guards bring us to a long hallway and stop in front of a set of double doors.

Alina and I look at each other before she walks in and the guards close the doors behind her. The guards then lead me to another set of doors a bit further in the hallway.

I open the doors and the guards close them once I'm far enough in the room.

The room is breathtaking. Against the back wall sits a big four poster bed. On the same wall as the door, is a big window with under it a vanity. In the center of the room, sits a small round table with two chairs and not too far from it, a folding screen. On the left side of the bed, stands an open doorway decorated with curtains.

I move towards it and step into the other room. It's a large bathroom.

I walk back to the main area and lay on the bed. I didn't realized how tired I was until I laid down. So tired in fact, that I fell asleep immediately after I closed my eyes.

A/N: I know this chapter's really small, sorry. Hope you enjoyed :)

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