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a/n: Hiii:) My first ever smut scene!! This is partly an exercise for me and partly a show of thanks. The amount of people that have read, voted and commented on this story is insane. I am literally so grateful, thank you all <3 (Also please go check out Water and Shadows, which is the sequel to this book. I would really appreciate it, thx <3)

Love, Tonijn

My reflection stared back at me, as I smoothed out the fabric of my nightgown.

It was the end of the day. I had just come back from dinner, to which Aleksander hadn't joined me. He had still been working.

The second I came back to our room, I had changed into my nightclothes. My dress had bothered me all day, pushing into my sides and chest. Now that it was off and I was in my loose nightgown, I felt like I could finally breathe properly.

As I smoothed down my hair, Aleksander entered the mirror's reflection. He wrapped his arms around my waist, as he placed his head on my shoulder. "I'm finally done with work," he told me, before placing a kiss in the crook of my neck.

I smiled at his reflection, before bringing my gaze back to myself. I hadn't had the time to take my makeup off yet and I just now realized that my lipstick had smudged.

With furrowed brows, I leaned towards the mirror slightly. I brought the tip of my finger to my lips to wipe away the excess lipstick.

Aleksander's hands tightened on my waist, before sliding down to my hips. "Need some help with that?" he whispered huskily in my ear.

A slow smile spread on my lips, as I turned my head to face him. My nose brushed against his, before he brought his mouth down to mine. I sighed contently against his lips, as I buried my hand in his hair. His chest felt hard against my back, as he pushed me closer to him.

One of his hands squeezed my side, earning a small gasp from me which he used to deepen the kiss.

The slow sweetness of everything slowly changed into something more charged as his hand started bunching the fabric of my nightgown, slowly revealing my bare leg. I shivered as the cold air of our bedroom hit my bare thigh, but, thankfully or sadly, he stopped. His hand slid down my leg, before dragging back up, this time going under my nightgown.

I gasped louder this time, as his hand came to rest on my stomach. As much as I didn't want to move, I needed more of my body against his. I turned around in his grasp, finally having my chest against his.

He chuckled at my eagerness, breaking the kiss for the first time. "You've giving this much thought, haven't you?", he asked teasingly, as he slowly guided us to our bed.

"Maybe," I answered coyly, a soft blush adorning my cheeks.

"Good," he breathed against my lips, before we both fell back onto the bed.

My back hit the mattress, as a flurry of giggles left my mouth. Aleksander crawled over me, smiling down at my giddy form.

The second my gaze hooked onto his, my giggles dissolved. His eyes were filled with so much love and appreciation, I almost fainted at the sight.

"You are so beautiful when you laugh," he commented, before I grabbed his collar and crashed his lips onto mine. All the previous sweetness left, as our lips moved in sync with each other.

He slid one of his knees between my thighs, slowly moving it against my core. A breathy moan fell from my lips, as I moved my hips in time with his knee.

Seeing as my mouth was busy panting and moaning, Aleksander moved his lips to my neck.

His hand that wasn't supporting himself, slid under my nightgown. The fabric bunched at his elbow, as he moved higher and higher. His hand stopped at my chest. A moan ripped through me, as he took one of my breasts in his hand.

My hands grabbed onto his biceps. The mixture of his lips against my neck, the fast pace of his knee between my thighs and his hand kneading my chest made my head dizzy.

He was the very thing driving me mad and my only anchor to sanity all at once.

My back arched, as I started pulling at his shirt. My brain was too fuzzy to undo buttons, so I kind of just pulled, hoping it would miraculously disappear.

Aleksander chuckled above me, before stopping all of his movements. I whined, trying to pull him back to me, but he was faster, moving so he was resting on just his knees.

I opened my eyes, which had fallen closed. Slowly, almost mockingly slow, Aleksander undid the buttons of his shirt. I didn't know if I wanted it to last longer or if I wanted him to hurry up so we could continue.

Seeing the dilemma on my face, he chuckled, before shrugging his shirt off and throwing it somewhere on the floor.

I smiled, already reaching up to pull him back against me, but he softly shook his head. "You're turn," he said, his voice deep with desire. I just nodded, not trusting my vocal cords to make any other sound than moans.

He slowly pulled the fabric off of me, leaving me completely bare beneath him. He took a moment to just look at me. His eyes shone with a love so deep I wouldn't have comprehended it if I hadn't had the exact same look in my eyes.

But still, his gaze made me blush.

"You're blush travels a while down," he commented, as if noticing it for the first time. He dragged a finger from my cheek to in between my breasts, where my blush ended.

"I need you," he whispered, his eyes strained to my face, as I panted beneath him.

"I need you," I repeated, not finding any better words to describe what I was feeling.

His gaze darkened, as I took in every single expression flashing on his face.

He stood up, just long enough to shrug his pants off, before crawling back over me.

"Ready?" he whispered, as I held onto his biceps again. I nodded, biting my lip. I was filled with a mixture of nerves and excitement.

I gasped, as he slowly slid into me. We stayed still for a moment, as I got used to the feeling. He patiently waited above me, looking down at my face to see if I was doing okay.

I squeezed his biceps, as I slowly started moving my hips. He didn't do anything for a moment, letting me get more comfortable.

Slowly, he matched my movements, making multiple gasps and moans fall from my lips.

If my mind could have focused on anything other than the immense pleasure coursing through me, I would have been concerned by how tightly I was squeezing Aleksander's biceps. I could already see the red semi-circles that my nails were leaving in his skin.

My eyes fell closed, as we moved faster and faster against each other. The room filled with our pants and moans. I could feel a pressure building in my lower belly. It felt like an elastic that was about to snap at any second.

Aleksander brought his forehead to mine, our breaths mingling in the space between our mouths. "I love you," he whispered.

His words made the elastic break and I completely fell apart beneath him. I wasn't conscious of anything besides the man I loved.

Not long after, Aleksander joined me, his groans mixing with my moans.

Slowly, both turned into pants, as he moved to lay beside me.

I turned as well, my face immediately breaking into a smile, as I saw the loving look in his eyes.

"I love you too," I told him. He must have noticed how I said it to him with all my soul, because he immediately wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me against him.

We stayed in silence, wrapped in each other's arms, until we both fell asleep, exhausted but more content than ever.

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