Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Wake up Anya. We have a lot of things to do today." Genya says, placing her kit down on my vanity.

Groaning, I sit up and step out of bed. I walk over to the bathroom and get in the warm water.

Once I'm cleaned I put on my bathrobe and sit down on my vanity chair.

Genya comes over to me and starts trying different colors on my eyelids.

"I want to wear a dress." I suddenly state, making Genya lean back a bit, brows furrowed.

"You're not going to wear your Kefta?" She asks.

"No, I want to wear one of my fancy dresses. Specifically the burgundy one."

"I don't mind, but I'll have to ask the General if you can wear something else than your Kefta."

Aleksander will say yes. I'm sure of it.

"Okay." I respond, before she continues.

She switches over to jewelry and slips a plain silver ring on my finger.

"Ooh, that's pretty. Is it silver?" I ask, looking down at the ring.

"No it's Iridium. I gave Alina the same one."


"Ivan! My Kefta!" Aleksander screams, having heard the door open.

I wanted to see him before the fete started. It's been months and I still haven't told Alina. As a matter of fact, I haven't told Alina anything for the past couple of weeks.

But since Alina doesn't know, nobody knows. Which means we'll have to be formal. And I'll have to call him General, which I haven't done in a while.

Seeing his Kefta laying on the table, I pick it up and walk over to his bedroom, which is attached to his office.

"You're not Ivan." He says, after having turned around and spotted me in the doorway.

"Really? I hadn't noticed." I say with all the seriousness I can muster.

He laughs, which makes me smile.

"May I?" I ask, once his laughter quiets down.

He turns around and I slip the Kefta on his arms. He pushes it up, before turning to me.

"Thank you." He says, looking intently into my eyes.

His eyes are my favorite thing about him. I could get lost in them all day and never get bored.

"Are you nervous?" He asks softly, taking my hands and guiding me to his office. I sit down on his desk, while he comes and stands in front of me, not letting go of my hands.

"A bit." I answer, when I'm nicely seated.

"That's the understatement of the year." He says, cracking a smile.

Smiling, I look down. How does he know me so well.

"Okay, I may want to run to my room and never come out." I state, looking up at him.

"Why run to your room? I have a perfectly nice one right here." He asks, with fake confusion.

I laugh, while shaking my head at his antics. He will never stop flirting with me.

"But seriously, if you don't want to do the presentation, you don't have to. I can ask some Infernis to do it."

"Thank you, but I want to do it. I'm just nervous, but when am I not. I'll be fine, promise."

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