Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The guard bring me outside, to an opening in a rock.

"Thank you." I say, before entering.

The area inside looks a lot like a cave. The walls are just carved stone with moss growing on it in some places.

"Hello?" I say, trying to find Baghra.

I walk deeper into the cave still not finding anyone.

"You're late." A voice behind me says. It turn and see an elderly woman dressed in black.


"Let's have a look at you." Baghra says, walking in a circle around me. "Where's the rest of you?"

I hesitate. What do you even answer to that?

"Are you mute, girl?" She asks rudely.

"No." I answer, surprised by her tone.

"That's something, I suppose." She says, while sitting down in one of the chairs in the middle of the room.

She does a hand movement, inviting me to join her. I sit down opposite her.

"Where are your parents?" She asks, bored.

"Dead." I answer, looking at my hands.

"Where did you grow up?"

"An orphanage in Keramzin."

"You slipped through the cracks and stayed where you didn't belong." She states with some anger in her voice. "Where do you belong?" She suddenly asks.

"Um.. With my friends and family." I say, not sure what to answer to that question.

"But your parents are dead." She reminds me.

"Yes, but I have a sister."

"Do you belong here?" She asks.

"I don't know." I answer truthfully. I've only been here for three days, how can I already know if I belong?

"What are you?" She asks, leaning forward.

"An Elemental." I answer pretty quickly.

"And can you harness you powers without the general clutching your wrist?"

Well, that was rude and completely uncalled for. I've only known I was Grisha since three days, and I learned I had even more powers yesterday.

"His blood and bones amplify other Grisha. Did you know that?" She says, realizing I'm not going to answer her last question.

"I thought human amplifiers didn't exist."

"You're an expert on such things?"

I literately just said I thought they didn't exist. I didn't say she was wrong, I just didn't know about it.

"Can you summon the power on your own?"

"I can't."

"What about now?" She asks before hitting my shoulder with her cane.

"Ouch." I say, rubbing my shoulder. What is wrong with her?

"Come back when you believe you can do it." She says standing up.

I stand up as well and leave the room.


When I come out the guard is nowhere to be found, so I decide to find my room on my own. It wasn't that easy. The Little Palace is a big building, so it took me a while to find my room again.

Fire and Shadows (DarklingxOC) (Shadowandbone fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now