Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

TW: smut (nothing too bad, just making-out)

"Come, we don't have that much time until dinner." I say, dragging Aleksander towards his office.

"You know, if you want I can just ask them to bring the food to my office." He proposes, holding my hand.

I turn around and walk backwards so I can see him.

"And miss out on all the amazing gossip I get from Mila, I think not." I laugh.

I turn my back towards him again, so I won't fall. I'm not so good at walking backwards.

"You may get to talk with Mila, but I have to spend the whole dinner next to the King. And I would so prefer to spend it with you." He says, frowning.

"It can't be that bad, can it?" I ask, while we approach the black doors to Aleksander's office.

"It can." He says simply, before opening the doors for me.

I thank him and walk inside, Aleksander following closely behind.

"So, what do you want to do during all this free time we have." I say sarcastically turning to face him, while he closes the doors.

He walks closer to me and stands so our feet are almost touching.

"I have some ideas." He says, a smirk growing on his face.

Cupping my face, he leans down and kisses me. My eyes flutter shut and I instantly kiss him back and slip my hands behind his neck. Sliding his hands to my waist, he starts walking forwards, without breaking the kiss, and I do the same until my legs hit the big circular table in the center of the room. He leans forwards, making me arch my back, and clears a piece of the table. I hear some thing fall to the floor, before he places his hands under my thighs to lift me up and places me on it.

After a minute or two, there's a knock on the door. I break away from our kiss to look at the door, puzzled. I thought no one knew we were in here.

A soft kiss on my neck, makes me turn from to door to him. The second our faces are in front of each other again, he captures my lips with his. My thoughts immediately drift away from the knock on the door, until there's a second one.

"Shouldn't you go and get that?" I ask against his lips.

"Later." He responds, before continuing what were doing.

I place my hands on his chest, pushing him slightly away from me.

"I don't mind, Aleksander."

He groans, but still walks over to the door.

I stay seated and smooth out my skirt.

After a moment, he comes and stands in front of me, placing his hands on my legs.

"Is something wrong?" I ask concerned, placing my hands over his.

"There was a little... incident." He starts. "But it's fine, don't worry. Okay?" He reassures

me, reading the panic on my face. "I'll leave my guards outside until I return."

He gives me a quick kiss, before walking to the door.

"Be careful." I say, watching him walk to the door.

When his hand is on the doorknob, he turns to look at me. I can just read the longing on his face. He looks from the door to me and back, before taking some long strides over to me and kissing me one last time.

"Okay, now I'm leaving."

I chuckle and watch him leave.


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