Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

When we arrive at the scene, Alina is standing with the Stag in a ball of light, while Mal is waiting outside with a gun in his hands.

The Stag is beautiful and majestic. It's antlers create these beautiful patterns.

"Do we have to kill it?" I whisper to Aleksander, who's standing next to me.

"There's no other way to get it's power." He responds. I frown.

Ivan shoots the Stag, making Alina's light bubble burst.

The Stag falls to the ground, while Mal shoots Ivan. He goes to shoot the Stag as well, but Zoya pushes him away just in time.

"That animal's not meant for you." Zoya states, oddly calm for the situation.

Mal redirects his shot from the Stag to Zoya, but Ivan shoots him in the back with an arrow.

"Mal!" Alina screams, while Mal falls down.

Ivan starts pushing the arrow deeper inside Mal, making it come out of his chest.

Alina blast them with light, before running to Mal.

She starts pulling the arrow out, while Mal screams in pain. I wince at the sound, making Aleksander pull me closer to him.

He kisses my cheek, before pulling me up and walking towards Mal and Alina, while shadows follow us.

Aleksander summons the cut. Alina sees this, and runs to the Stag and makes a light bubble protecting it.

The cut bounces off of the light

"You can't save them, Alina." Aleksander says. "You may have the power of light, but not the power to heal. I know the tracker is important to you. Give me the Stag, and I'll have my Healer save him."

Mal says something to Alina, which I can't hear because of the light bubble.

She drops the bubble of light and runs over to Mal. Zoya walks over to them and drag Mal away from Alina, who is being held back by Ivan.

"No! You said you wouldn't hurt him!" Alina yells.

Aleksander summons the cut and the Stag's head falls off of his body. I flinch and bury my head in the crook of Aleksander's neck, so I don't have to see the horrible sight in front of me.

I'm sorry, Stag.

"Bring me its antlers." Aleksander orders, while rapping an arm around my waist.

"Yes, sir."

"You murderer! You stupid fool!" Alina yells, making me flinch again. His arm around my waist tightens.

"What about Mal?" I whisper to him.

"I am a man of my word." He answers. "Heal him. He was only protecting Miss Starkov."


We arrived at the camp where this all started. I was in Aleksander and I's tent, looking at the antlers.

Aleksander stands up from his desk and walks over to me.

"Did you find some good pieces?" He asks, sitting down on the ground next to me.

"I thought I could give this one to Alina." I explain, picking up a piece of antler I had cut off. "I would place it on her collar bone." I continue, placing the antler where I would want it.

"That seems good to me." He says, leaning back on one of his hands.

"And then this piece would be for you." I say, placing down Alina's piece and picking up a small round piece. "I would place it on the back of your hand, like this. I explain, picking up his hand and placing the piece in the center.

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