Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Ow!" I moan in pain while placing a hand on my side.

"Sorry." Mila starts apologizing while coming to stand next to me.

"Are you okay?" She asks concerned, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"I'm fine." I say, straightening up and placing my hands on top off hers. "That's the point of fighting. I'm not mad, Mila, I promise." I reassure her, seeing as she's annoyed with herself.

"That's it for today, same time tomorrow." Botkin yells, making Mila drop her hands.

Everyone slowly starts leaving. I start walking towards my room and Mila accompanies me.

"So did you talk to the General last night?" Mila asks eagerly. She almost seems more excited about this than I am.

"I did." I say, matching my walking speed to hers.

"And?" She asks, dragging out the vowel.

"He said he would help me. My first lesson is today." I respond, a grin breaking out on my face.

"I'm so happy for you, Anya." She says, giving me a side hug.

"Thank you, Mila."

We arrive at the spot where are paths split.

"I'll see you at dinner, okay?"

"Like always." She says with a grin before turning around and walking to her room.


When I arrive in my room, I go to my vanity to redo my hair. I undo my ponytail and instead attached my hair in a braid, draping it over my shoulder. I looked in the mirror to be sure I looked presentable.

I'm nervous. I'm going to be in a room with Aleksander for two hours. If I can't access my powers, he'll be mad. And I have no idea what the whole 'call me Aleksander' thing is supposed to mean. How should I act around him now? Does it mean that our relationship has changed?

A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts. After one last glance in he mirror, I walk over to my door.

I brush the non-existing dust off of my Kefta, before opening it.

"Hello, Anya." Aleksander greets, leaning against the door frame.

"Hi... Aleksander." I greet, still not used not calling him Aleksander.

"Is it possible that you have lost something in the last 24 hours?" He asks with a smirk, as if he knows something that I don't.

I don't think I lost anything. I have everything...

"My shawl! I didn't have it on when I returned to my room." I explain to him.

"Correct." He says, grabbing something inside his Kefta. "Thank the Saints you have me."

He hands me my folded shawl.

"Thank you." I say with a genuine smile. I quickly run back into my room and place it on my bed before returning to the door.

"We will go to my office to train. We won't be disturbed there." He explains.

I step into the hallway and close my bedroom door behind me. He starts walking in the direction of his office and I walk next to him.

"I was right to give you and Alina black Kefta's. It's suits you perfectly." He compliments after a moment.

I blush and look towards my feet.

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