Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Once I'm dressed in my beautiful dark purple dress, I walk out of the tent and over to Aleksander, who's waiting outside of Alina's tent.

He sees me coming and just stares.

I smile while coming to stand in front of him.

"You look breathtaking, Pchelka." He compliments, after having looked me up and down.

"And you look very handsome." I say, straightening his Kefta.

Alina walks out of her tent. Our eyes meet and she immediately looks away.

Aleksander looks between the two of us, before offering me his arm.

I smile up at him and link our arms together, before the three of us walk over to the ship.

We walk between all the tents and soldier, who are all praying when Alina passes by, in silence.

"The tracker's being kept in camp, under guard." Aleksander says, breaking the tension filled silence. "Do what's expected of you and he'll be released."

I nudge him in his side, making him look at me. I give him a disapproving look and he gives a look that says 'it's the only way to motivate her'.

Maybe, but lying to her about Mal isn't the best idea.

When we arrive at the ship, I stop walking and look up at it. This is giving me a lot of flashbacks. It feels like a century passed since I've last crossed the Fold, but it's only been about 3 months.

Alina is the first one to walk onto the ship, followed by Ivan and then Aleksander and I.

We walk up to the front of the boat, where Ivan attaches Alina to the deck, while I walk closer to the edge.

"This isn't a good look for you." Alina says to Aleksander, disdain filling her voice. "Everyone will see that I'm your prisoner."

"I doubt very much they'll notice your feet." Aleksander shoots back, before walking over to me.

He places his hands on my arm and kisses the top of my head.

"Are you okay." He whispers in my ear, making me shiver.

I turn around in his grasp to face him.

"I'm fine. It's just last time I was here, I fell unconscious in the first 5 minutes." I say,

forcing out a small laugh.

"I'll be there next to you the whole time." He reassures me, before giving me a quick kiss and walking over to the middle of the deck.

The ship starts moving forward and we enter the Fold.

"Can you feel them?" Aleksander asks Ivan, after a couple of minutes.

"No heartbeats yet, sir." Ivan responds.

My hands go to my amplifier, while I hear the Volcra screech and growl in the distance.

"They're coming." Alina says, looking around in the darkness.

"Yes." Aleksander responds, calmly.

"I should just tear this down now." Alina says.

"And what can you really do on your own?" Aleksander asks, turning to look at her and lifting his hand to his collar, showing her his amplifier. "Besides, it would be a monumental waste of power."

I walk over to the side of the deck and see a marker with a skull attached to it.

Shivering, I walk back over to Aleksander. Saints I hate this place.

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