Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


"Mm, yes, I'm awake." I say, after almost falling asleep in my bath for the third time.

"Did you sleep that badly?" Genya chuckles.

"Kind off and this hot water isn't helping."

"If you want I can put ice cubes in it." She says, with a mischievous smile.

"No, please don't." I chuckle.

My laughter dies away and I continue to wash myself.

"Is it Alina?" Genya asks seriously. I turn to face her. "Is that what's been bothering you?"

Right, I almost forgot about that.

"That's part of it."

"I can understand." She says, gravely. "I was there when they were attacked."

I let my sponge drop in the water and lean against the side of the bath, placing my hands there for support.

"Attacked?" I repeat, confused.

"Yes, in the fitting room, last night before dinner. Of course it wasn't actually Alina. I had disguised Marie to look like her and sadly Marie didn't make it."

How come no one told me about this? Is that why Aleksander had to leave last night? Poor Marie, I didn't know her that well, but she seemed like a nice girl. I'm going to have to give my condolences to Nadia. She lost Marie and Alina in the same night.

"And then of course Alina being taken away. You must be so worried." Genya continues.

"Yes." I say distantly. Alina made her choice, there's nothing I can do about it now.

I finish washing myself in silence.

When I'm done, I putt on my bathrobe and walk over to my vanity.

Genya walks over to my wardrobe and takes out my Kefta.

"Could I wear something else than my Kefta today? A dress, perhaps." I ask, looking at Genya through the reflection of my mirror.

"You already wore a dress yesterday, don't you want to wear something more comfortable?" Genya asks.

"My dresses are all very comfortable." I answer matter-of-factually.

"Of course." She says, before turning around and taking out a red and black dress instead.

She walks over to me and places the dress down on the bed.

She makes my cheeks pinks, adds a dark grey to my eyelids and red to my lips.

I then change into the dress. The dress fits me like a glove. It's a long A-line, wine red dress with black lace.

I thank Genya, before leaving my room and going to Aleksander's office.


I'm standing in front of the big black doors that lead to Aleksander's office, my hand ready to knock, when I suddenly get nervous.

I don't know why, I'm sure he'll be pleased with my decision.

I gather all the courage I have and knock.

"Come in!" I hear Aleksander's voice yell from the other side.

I open the doors and walk in. Once I'm inside, the guards close the doors.

"Anya." Aleksander says, standing up from behind his desk. His eyes fall on my dress. He looks me up and down, his eyes lingering on a couple of spots, making me blush.

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