Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The next morning, I get woken up by Genya again.

"I just received your Kefta." She says leaving the bathroom to get it.

I quickly put on my robe and follow here. Once I'm behind her she turns around holding the most beautiful Kefta I've ever seen. The Kefta itself, is a rich black with, on the cuffs, grey embroidery, representing Durasts. Around the collar the embroidery is red, representing Infernis. The red slowly turns into silver around the opening edge, representing Squallers and the silver turns into a light blue around the bottom, representing Tidemakers.

She hands it to me and I carefully pick it up.

"The stitch work on this is beautiful." I say closely inspecting it. "I mean, all of it is beautiful."

She smiles at me. "If I see the General I will tell him you like it."

"He made this?"

She laughs. "No, but he designed the Keftas you and Alina will be wearing. Try it on."

I go back into the bathroom and put it on. It fits me perfectly. I go back out and do a little spin.

"I'm going to go show Alina. I'll be right back" I say before leaving Genya alone in my room.


Alina's room is just down the hall from mine. I knock on the door and Alina opens.

"Oh, hi Anya. I wasn't expecting you." She says moving to the side so I can enter.

I walk in and look around. Her room is just like mine, Alina just has more things everywhere. I stand close to her bed, while Alina sits down on it.

"Look at the beautiful Kefta Genya gave me." I say while doing a spin.

"You took the black one?" She asks baffled.

"Well yes, it's a pretty color."I respond, confused with her tone. I didn't even know we had a choice. I mean, even if we did, I don't think anything could have beaten the black one.

"But black is the Darkling's color." She shoots back.

"Since when do you call him 'the Darkling'." I ask confused.

"Everybody calls him that. I'm pretty sure only the people who work for him call him 'General Kirigan'." She says mockingly.

"Anyways, him letting us wear black just shows that he sees us as equals. Which is nice of him." I explain, going back to the original subject.

"Well, as you can see, I chose to just stick with blue." She says, in a tone that means that this is the end of this discussion.

"Anyways, how did you sleep?" I ask sitting down next to her.

"Better than last night, you?"

"I slept well." I reply.

"I have been dreaming about this stag."

"A stag?" I ask.

"Yeah, I don't really know what it means, but I'm going to go to the library to go look it up."

"If you want I can go with you." I propose.

"I'd appreciate that." She says, smiling.

"Actually have you heard from..."

I look up at a clock on the wall.

"We should go to training, the lesson is almost going to start." I interrupt her, seeing how late it already is.

Fire and Shadows (DarklingxOC) (Shadowandbone fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now