Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"I can't do it." I sigh, frustrated with myself.

Today is my fifth lesson with Aleksander. We've already done water, fire and air summoning and most of the abilities of a Durast. Today I'm trying to make a flower bloom, which is another one of a Durast's abilities. Instead of being in his office, we're outside in front of a rose bush, specifically white roses.

"Try again. You'll be able to do it, I'm sure." Aleksander reassures me. He's been doing that for the last hour. For the first half we were standing up, but I became tired so we decided to sit down.

"Maybe I just need an amplifier." I propose, turning towards him. "Maybe the problem is just that I'm not powerful enough."

"That's not the problem. Do you remember our first lesson?" I nod. "The compass didn't just move on the desk, it flew off of it. That's how strong you are."

"Than how come I'm not able to do it." I ask.

"Maybe your just not concentrating enough."

Well, it is really hard to concentrate with him right next to me. I've gotten a lot more comfortable around him in the past week and I can't seem to stop thinking about that night in the library. And above all that, Alina is really starting to get on my nerves. We almost never talk and when we do it ends with us being mad at each other. She's still not over the fact that Aleksander is helping me control my powers.

"Is there something bothering you?" He asks, genuinely concerned. "Maybe that's why you can't concentrate."

"It's Alina." I start, after having decided that I could tell him. "I really think she's never going to get used to the fact that she's Grisha. She has the power to save millions of people and she's just complaining about it. And she keeps bringing up the fact that I got

used to being Grisha, like it's a bad thing." I ramble.

"It's not a bad thing." He reminds me.

"Yeah, I know. It's actually a lot better that I got used to this. Alina's just living in misery, because she's holding on to the past too much." I explain, happy to finally get all of this off my chest.

"Do you want to retry?" He asks after a moment of silence.

I nod, turning back to the bush. This time I put all of my concentration on the flower.

Bloom, bloom

No, that's what I was thinking last time, I should change it.

Grow, grow, grow

And this time, it works. The flower-bud opens up and petals start growing. The only problem is, it doesn't stop. The flower keeps growing and growing.

"Anya, watch out!" I hear Aleksander yell beside me, before pushing me out of the way.

I land on my back with Aleksander on top of me. He has his hands on both sides of my head, holding himself a small distance from me. My concentration breaks and the flower stops growing.

Now that my concentration isn't on the flower, it's on him.

The way his Kefta falls open around me, protecting me from the winter breeze. The way strands of hair are falling in his eyes. The way he's looking at me, like I'm the eighth wonder of the world.

His eyes flicker down to my lips and my heart skips a beat. He slowly starts leaning in, as if he's asking my permission.

I answer his silent question by lifting my head, bringing us even closer. The second he realizes I'm okay with it, he closes the distance between us. Our lips move in sync with each other, while my mind just goes blank. I rest my head back on the ground and he follows me, not breaking the kiss. He moves one of his hands from next to my head to my waist, bringing me closer to him. I rest my hands on his chest. After what felt like hours to me, but must have been only 20 seconds, we break apart for some air.

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