Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

A couple of hours later, I'm woken up by a knock on my door.

"Come in." I yell.

The door opens and Alina pocks her head through.

"Dinner time." Alina exclaims, while walking in and closing the door behind her.

I get out of bed and walk over to my vanity mirror. My hair is a mess and my eyes are red.

"Let me just quickly brush my hair and then we can go." I say while picking up my hairbrush and starting to brushing though the nest on my head.

"Did you get any letters today?" Alina asks while sitting on my bed.

"No, none. Why?"

"I still haven't gotten anything from Mal." She explains.

"That's weird." I say while trying to undo a big knot.

"That's what I thought." She exclaims. "Do you think he forgot us?" She asks softly.

"No, Mal grew up with us, he loves us. He wouldn't just forgot about us after four days." I reassure her while braiding my hair.

"I guess." She says, not completely convinced.

"I'm done." I say, turning towards Alina. She stands up and together we walk to dinner.


When we arrive at the dinning room, Alina and I split up. She goes to Nadia and Marie and I go over to Mila and Dimitri. While walking over to them, my gaze slides over to the General's chair. It's empty.

"Hey guys." I say sitting down next to Mila.

"Hey Anya." Mila greets, giving me a side hug.

Dimitri gives me a nod and small smile. I return his actions.

"So, how was your second lesson with Baghra?" Mila asks while servants bring us our food.

I nervously chuckle. "Not good." I say, before digging into my meal.

"Oh no, what happened?" Mila asks, turning to me concerned.

"She hit me with her cane, a lot. She didn't explain a thing. And she said some thing about my mother. You know, the usual."

Mila's jaw drops and Dimitri looks up from his plate.

"She did not." Mila says shocked.

"She did. This woman has some bizarre teaching methods."

"You need to get another teacher." Mila says.

"She can't." Dimitri interrupts. "There is only one teacher here, and it's Baghra."

I sigh, disappointed.

"Then go to the General." She proposes.

I look up at her with big eyes.

"Are you crazy? I'm not going to annoy the General with something this small."

"Judging by the redness of you eyes, it wasn't something small." Dimitri comments. I blush. I was hoping no one would notice that.

"The General would want you to get your powers under control sooner rather than later. If you want, I can even propose myself to be your teacher."

"Thanks Mila, but I don't think he would let you." I say, truly touched by her proposition. I sigh, thinking over my options. I could just keep going to Baghra, but then the time it will take me to harness my powers, will be a lot longer. Or I go to the General with a 50/50 chance he helps me.

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