Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

When I had come back from our lesson yesterday, I had packed my bag and then spend the night in Aleksander's bedroom.

Now, the day before we leave to go find Alina, we're both sitting in his office. Aleksander's working and I'm reading with the fire crackling as background noise

Suddenly to doors open and Fedyor, the other Heartrender who's always around Ivan, come in.

"General, I found a lead on her." He states, stopping a meter away from Aleksander.

"And where is my Summoner?" Aleksander asks, standing up from his desk and walking around it to stand in front of Fedyor. I close my book and sit up straighter.

"Oh. Uh..." Fedyor sputters. "No. Nina Zenik. You asked..."

"Yes." Aleksander sighs. "Speak."

Nina Zenik. I know that name. She's a Heartrender. She was on a mission, but he never heard from her.

"She was abducted by Fjerdans." Fedyor starts. "Put on a ship with other Grisha captives, bound for the Ice Court."

"Someone must have given her up." Aleksander states, turning and staring into the fire.

"Zlatan?" I propose. Both men turn to me.

"Well, they have a witch hunter in their ranks." Fedyor continues. "Matthias Helvar. He has been clever in tracking Grisha. I want him dead as much as I want her back alive."

"What you want is irrelevant." Aleksander says. "Where are they now?" He asks, not looking at him.

"They hit a storm front. We... We lost track of the ship after that."

"Reach the western coast." Aleksander orders, turning towards him. "Go as far north as you can, Arkesk if you can make it. Bring back any Grisha you find, and barring that... you bring me one of theirs."

"Yes, General. Ivan and I won't fail you."

"I need Ivan for a hunt of my own, I'm afraid." Aleksander says, sitting back down at his desk. I pick my book up again.

"Sir, if she's alive... I'll find her." He states, before leaving the room.


I'm standing behind Aleksander's chair, playing with his hair, while he's taking care of some paperwork before we leave. He said me playing with his hair helps him concentrate. I think he was lying, but I'm not complaining. I love playing with his hair.

I hear the door to his office open, before Zoya walks into the room. Her eyes land on me and I take a step away from Aleksander. She already hates me enough, I won't give her more reason to.

"You wanted to see me?" Zoya asks, turning towards Aleksander.

"Yes." He starts, looking up from his papers. "At sundown, I'm leading a team to pursue the criminals who took Miss Starkov. I'd like you with me."

Why did it have to be Zoya of all people?

"Of course." She accepts, a bit shocked he wants her to come with him.

"And recruit Ivan, the Inferni twin, Polina, and David." Aleksander ads.

"David?" Zoya and I repeat at the same time.

We both look at each other, disgust in her eyes, before I turn back to Aleksander.

"The Durast?" I ask.

He nods, turning back to his papers.

Zoya nods, about to leave, before I speak up.

"That won't be necessary." I say, making Aleksander and Zoya look at me. "We will just need you and Ivan."

Aleksander looks at me, brows furrowed.

"I don't take orders from you." Zoya says, poison lacing her voice.

"Well I do." Aleksander says, before turning to Zoya. "Pack your bags, we're leaving in 3 hours. Tell Ivan. And only Ivan." He ads, convincing Zoya.

She nods once, before turning around and leaving the room.

Once she's left, Aleksander pushes back his chair, turning his body to face me.

"Why did you do that?" He asks, curiosity and slight annoying in his eyes.

I smile and go and sit on his desk.

"I love you, you know that?" I ask, leaning forward.

"I love you too," He responds smiling, "but you didn't answer my question."

"You may have forgotten, but I am a Durast. I can do what he needed to do. And I'm also an Inferni, you don't need Polina, you have me."


Aleksander, Zoya, Ivan and I were standing outside the little palace with our luggage.

A carriage rolled up with two horses behind it. Zoya and Ivan placed their luggage in the back of the carriage and mounded the horses. Aleksander took my luggage and placed it with his next to Zoya's and Ivan's. He then opened the door for me, I smiled at him before walking in the carriage and sitting down. He followed shortly after me and we took of.

A/N: And the adventure begins! I hope you enjoyed

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