I promise, Someday

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Song: Someday (Madison Watkins)

⚠️ Warning: Spoilers ahead!⚠️

I made eye contact with a girl, her eyes with the most beautiful shade of purple. The first time when I saw her made me feel like I was in a different world somehow. How can one be so beautiful?

Her hair was black with the ends fading to a darker shade of purple of her eyes. It was cut in bangs some strands fell down as her sideburns. Her hair was tied back with a butterfly ornament which match with the colour of her eyes.

Her skin was pale, her lips coloured with the perfect shade of red lipcolor. She was short, too, in height, almost reaching my shoulder. She always carried a smile lwhich made her look optimistic and happy but people didn't know that she hid a heavy grief and a bunch of emotions under it which only the people close to her knew.

One of the close people might be me too but, I doubt if she had ever counted me as one of her 'closest' companions after the girls who worked with her in her estate, her deceased sister and her parents, and Kanao.

Of course, why would I even be on her list of close companions when I always ignored her approaches and calls whenever we went together somewhere.

I don't like being around people, neither do I like talking to them but she was a different case. She always managed to make me talk with her, somehow. Poking me, calling my name a number of times until I listen to her, always reminding me that I was disliked by people for my nature and never forgetting about giving me salmon daikon, once in every week.

After my family and Sabito left the world, she is the one I feel a little happy around. Maybe more than happy around her. With the depression inside me, I used to come out of it somehow when she's with me. Like children get mesmerised and astonished by the beauty and movements of a butterfly, she was like one who made the child or the person wanting joy and light inside me come out and chase it.

Our days during the mission always went normal, with her trying to make me talk while I remaining as the quite person all the time. Sometimes, we even ended up coming close to each other while slaying demons. Sometimes, I used to make her angry as well, for not listening to her at times because I sometimes had thoughts in my head about her making me distracted from my activity and she snapped me out of my daydreams to get me back to reality.

It felt like I wouldn't be able to do anything when she's not around me. It happened mostly when I was brought to The Butterfly Estate by the Gaguchis for rehabilitation and healing. She was the one taking care of me most of the time and I felt vulnerable when she was not around my hospital. She used to tell me stories and in between teased me about my personality and how annoying I was to all the people.

"Yeah, sure if I am one, then why do you bother to talk to me then, Kocho?"

"It's not like I want to, Tomioka-san but your depressing face and personality leaves me no choice but to take care of you since I am a doctor after all."

"Just... take care of me for now, Kocho. I promise... that I won't bother you... anymore... after this for taking care of me..."

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep, Tomioka-san. It's not possible for you to come back unharmed after slaying demons all the time. You're not a demon, after all."

She said that I shouldn't make promises that I can't keep.


We walked during the Pillar training for the final battle with the upper moons and Muzan. Sure thing, it wasn't easy for us to win against them and we had to work hard for that. I got along with the others while the training took place for the marks, somehow. I talked to everyone normally as I tried my best. But I opened up with her a bit more.

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