Kisses Under the Pouring Rain

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Song: Wonder (Shawn Mendes)

Picnic Au (hypothetical)

Taisho Era

Giyu's POV:

It was one of the days when all the hashira's of the corps had plans for a get together or picnic stuff to lighten up or 'chill' themselves.

It totally sucked for me because nobody talked to me, neither do I like talking to them except for the flame Pillar, who's not here now, Kanroji-san and Shinobu. It may be a little bit but it's enough from the Love and the Flame. Shinobu mostly talks with me. She always manages to make me talk to her. Even if I talk a little, she takes it as a huge achievement.

Before the picnic...

I was sitting on the porch of my residence, cross-armed, looking at the sky which was very pleasant. I was recalling what mistakes I had made in my previous mission when someone whispered.

"Moshi Moshi, Tomioka-san~. How are you?"

It was Kochou Shinobu, the insect pillar.

I, for a while, felt my heart beating unevenly when she whispered in my ear. But I remained calm and looked at her, with my usual expression.

"Aah! The water pillar finally looked at me! I was calling you so many times but you didn't respond."

"What is it, Kochou?"

"Well, all the pillars are planning to go somewhere to have a picnic."


"Well, I thought of inviting you too!"

It can't be that only! She always has some excuse to ask me for something. Or maybe, she is kind enough to ask me for once. So kind of her.

"Because nobody likes you and nobody even cares if you come or not, Tomioka-san! You're a loner after all." She covered her mouth with her tiny hand as she gave out a chuckle.

As expected of this woman! Always bullying me and teasing me no matter what! What's wrong with being alone though? It's better to not talk with people who Don't like to talk to me. A fair behaviour.

"But be glad that I cared to invite you, Tomioka-san! It would be cruel of me if I left anyone back in such a great plan." She said while giving a genuine smile.

Well, that was satisfactory.

"But I won't be able to come." I said.

"Eh! Why? Scared?"

"No. It's because most of them would unnecessarily pick a fight or behave rudely against me. And you know whom I am talking about."

"Are you talking about Shinazugawa-san and Obanai-san? Well, those are a pair of hothead friends. But it's okay, just come to enjoy the view. You can sit wherever you want to do so that you won't have to get bothered. Now okay?" She suggested.

Not a bad idea though. I had never been to a picnic after my family and Sabito died.

"Will there be salmon daikon?" I asked because I love it.

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