A Helping Hand

686 15 1

Song: Happier (Ed Sheeran)

Reincarnation Au (Spoilers)

Happy To See You Happier
Part 2

Modern Era


It went years when suddenly everything blackened out. I woke up in a new world.

Well, that was one very emotional daydream.

It was the modern World now. The 21st century.

I was now in my first year at high school girl academy, along with my sister being in her final year in that high school.

The school bell rang and and the school was over so I and Kanae were going to go for some shopping at the nearby departmental store.

Kanae made her way to the confectionery section while I was walking past a row of toiletries.

I heard some muffled crying and I head for the direction to find three kids trying to buy some first aid stuff. One was having ginger hair, while the other two had raven black hair. Out of the two kids with black hair, one was a girl with turquoise eyes and one was a boy with deep blue eyes.

The boy reminded me of the man named Giyu... Tomioka... The man who came in my dreams and we both cried for not being able to make a confession on time.

Well, that man was handsome but this boy, maybe around the age of 10, had the same face as his. The younger version of that man.

Maybe he is one of that man's descendants.

Well, it was not the time for thinking about that because the boy similar looking to that man was looking for first aid materials while the ginger head boy had his knee wounded and the girl was trying to comfort him. He was getting confused with the items.

"Here, let me help you!" I stood by the raven head boy and he suddenly turned his head towards me. His eyes glistened as he looked at me. I smiled at him signalling him to not worry.

I helped him get the first aid materials and along with Kanae, paid for the bills as well.

We went outside and made the ginger head boy and the other raven haired kids sit on a counter to tend the wounds. Kanae was applying the medicine and bandage over the wound while I passed the equipments as she asked.

The two raven haired kids looked at us in awe while the ginger head boy sniffed and blushed when Kanae was finished with the wounds and consoled him.

"Thank you, Nee-san! We wouldn't have been able to do anything if you were not to come." Said the girl with the turquoise eyes. She gave out a bright smile.

"Mmph! Thank you so much. You are like angels!" Said the ginger head boy.

"Well, you will get better soon. And be careful next time while you do something, okay?" I said to them politely, giving them a smile while tucking some strands of my hair behind the ear.

The raven haired boy was quite for a while. He said nothing, but just stayed still there. I felt like he was nervous so I went to him while Kanae looked after the other two.

He looked at me with a nervous expression when I approached him.

"What's your name, boy? Are you having some difficulty?" I asked him politely.

"I- m- m- my name is Giichi T- Tomioka. I- I am just nervous, nothing to worry about." He introduced himself.

My eyes widened when he told his name. So, he really was the descendant of the man. No doubt he looks the same.

"Thank you for helping, though! W- what is one-san's name, by the way?" He asked, speaking more confidently than before. I have out a chuckle.

"I am Kochou, Shinobu Kochou. Nice to meet you, Giichi-kun!" I told him. I took something out of my bag and gave it to him.

It was one of the fox mask charm which was going on trend at the present. It reminded me of Tomioka-san from my dream as he had one of these.

He looked at it and gasped as he took it.

"Haaaaa!! It's the limited edition one! I had always been trying to get this!" He said and then looked at me. "Thank you, Shinobu-san!"

So cute!!

"I am glad that you got it, at last. I didn't need it as I had one more at home. You can keep it."

"Umm... Can we meet again, Shinobu-san? You're very kind and I want to be friends with you!" He asked with puppy eyes.

Too cute!

"Sure! You seem to be a good and sweet boy and girls always like good boys." I ruffled his hair and he smiled with his cheeks turning to a deep shade of pink. "We will meet again if possible. Till the time, take care of your friends, family and yourself, Giichi-kun." I retrieved my hand from ruffling his hair and waved at him. To say goodbye. He waved back and I turned along with Kanae and paid the trio farewell.

The wind blew gently and our hair flew and I turned back to give a last look at Giichi. He was smiling so brightly, and that moment remained inside my mind like a picture taken from the camera.

He looked like the reincarnation of Giyu-san.

I am happy that you're happier than ever, Giyu-san.

If you are, somehow, inside Giichi's, then I hope that we will turn into better friends than we did in our previous life... if you remember me.


Hey dear readers! I am back with a new Oneshot, and on time! Yay!!!!!

Okay, so I like the idea of this reincarnation Au and I think that Giyu's reincarnation, Giichi, who's his descendant according to the manga, is still young to get shipped with Shinobu whose age gap with him might be around 3-4 years.

In this AU, Giichi is around 10-11 years in age and Shinobu is 14-15 years in age according to my assumption. So I thought of making them friends first rather than ship them at their initial stage.

I hope that I did my best in this one too. This book has now reached 2.8k+ reads with 130+ votes and I am very happy to see this! Thank you so much to the readers for the support. Keep loving and supporting giyushino as they deserved better, a ship that never got to sail.

I am currently very much indulged with studies and some "Zennezu" and "Inoaoi" and will soon write some stuff on them as well. I have some stuff written for Gojohime as well which I will be posting soon after this book ends.

Till the time, let's meet you at the next Oneshot.

Loads of love to you readers <3

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