Stargazing, A Brilliant Idea

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Song: Cosmic Love (Florence+ the machine)

Taisho Era

(Minor spoilers)

Giyu has been in the butterfly estate for rehabilitation after he successfully slayer a strong demon in his mission. It was night time and the room was filled with snores of other demon slayers who were rehabilitating.

"So much noise...." He groaned about the snoring people.

He wasn't able to sleep for two hours past bedtime. He tried to sleep and even cover his ears by the pillow but that didn't stop the snoring for penetrating into his ears. His eyes were gloomy and widened by the noise and then he gave up.

He sat straight on his hospital bed and looked outside. The night sky was beautiful today. All the stars were twinkling.

He wanted to go outside and have a better look on it but he knew that the girls working in the estate as helpers would certainly be checking on the patients, especially Aoi, with the two ponytails, who's very strict and would not hesitate to scold him back to bed. But he had an idea in mind.

He took some pillows from the vacant beds and placed them on his bed and covered them with the sheets on. It almost looked like a person sleeping and he quickly tip-toed his way to the rooftop. The path was clear and he faced no problem as he reached his destination.

To his surprise, he found a small figure sitting on the rooftop, it's hair dancing along with the wind and it was short. He recognised the person who was none other than the insect pillar and the master of the estate, Shinobu Kochou, herself.

He first hesitated to step forward but soon enough, walked past her and sat far beside her. He looked over the sky filled with stars more than what he saw from the window.

"You like stargazing, don't you, Tomioka-san?" The lady asked without looking at him. He heard and looked at her. Her face was visible by the shining night sky, her eyes reflecting the light. She was looking more beautiful than usual to him, and now looking at her with her hair down too, without the butterfly ornament. His eyes widened at the sight as his lips parted but soon came together when he turned back his gazes to the sky from her face.

"Yes... It's quite beautiful today." He remarked.

"I like stargazing too! Finding constellations, the most twinkling star out of the sky and everything that can't make you feel tired. It helps me to have better dreams too, since you look at them at the very last moment before you go to sleep or close your eyes."


Shinobu glanced at the focused water pillar. His dull eyes now reflecting the light of the sky, making it beautiful. Sure thing he was one good looking guy in the corps but his deadpan expression and the cold personality didn't make him get along with the others. Shinobu rather made the effort to talk with him than the others. Kyoūjurou did talk to Giyu but after his last mission in Mugen train, he was again, a bit, left alone. She looked back at the sky so as to not show him that she was staring him.

She never felt tired once whenever she started stargazing. Same went for Giyu too but, today, rather tonight, after seeing each other and then going for stargazing made them a bit bored. They irregularly changed their sitting styles and positions to sit comfortably and continue their stargazing but that didn't work.

Rather than continuing the stargazing, they got to sit close to each other. They realised it and soon gave a bit distance between each other. Shinobu was the one to start a conversation whenever the two went or worked together but this time, it was Giyu.

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