My Reason

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Song: All Too Well (Taylor Swift)

Modern Au (not from manga)

Shinobu's POV :

A day never went like the old normal ones back then. My usual routine was now going to the hospital and treat the patients since I have become a doctor and have been working for around five successful years.

Getting up in the morning early for shifts since there were a lot of emergency cases coming for me. I didn't even get to sleep properly if luck was not my side at that time. For relaxing myself, I have some tea with my ears plugged with Taylor Swift music. She's a very talented singer and her songs had such great meaning and tuning that I get lost into it.

Maybe I hear Taylor Swift more than any other artist because I relate to most of her songs since I have been like that one character she usually tells stories about in her songs once and now I have become another one of her characters going through a heartbreak.

I met a man. A total opposite of my character. Not talking much, not socialising much. Just... being himself and with himself all the time.

He was tall, with black hair, had blue ocean deep blue eyes on a deadpan face. We worked as colleagues in the same hospital as mine. I was the one who approached him since I was paired up with him during our first assignment.

"My name is Shinobu Kocho. Nice to meet you! I hope that we'd get along well."


"Moshi Moshi ~ Are you okay?"


"Hey! Let's talk for a bit, shall we?"


"Hey! Why don't you talk? Are you mute?"

"... No..."

"Ara Ara ~ so you can talk! Can you please answer my questions which I asked you until now?"

"... Giyu Tomioka, I am fine, I shall talk but on one condition..."

"All answers in one sentence. Great! So, what about the condition?"

"You shall... treat me... with salmon daikon..."

"Do you like it?"


"Okay, if it helps me get to know more about my partner in assignments then no problem!"

Yes, Giyu Tomioka, my colleague, liked salmon daikon than any other thing. We had our first brunch together in a local restaurant near the hospital and had salmon daikon together. That was the first time I had seen him so happy and smiling. The picture never left my head from that day onwards.

We got close, platonically, during our training together. I developed feelings for him after 3 months of spending time with him.

After about half a year, I was supposed to confess to him but he did to me first. That was the happiest moment of my life. We spent more time together, cuddling, kissing, living in a room together as well as focusing on our works too.

I went to meet his family as well as he did meet mines. It was like we were never going to get separated by anything.

All of a sudden, we broke up.


Because we were so busy with our works, our jobs, our routines that we hardly got time for even texting each other, or meeting eachother our talk to each other.

The only thing we could do was stealing glances of each other. We worked in different departments, after all. We couldn't give time to our relationship, let alone be it moving forward to marry each other in an attempt to spend time together.

We had fights because I, wanted attention towards our relationship. I wanted to get close to each other more, do things, make lovely memories.

But it couldn't happen. All he did was raise his voice and not answering my questions properly and again showing his negotiations and arrogance. He brought back his lonely and cold self to me and that put an end to our love life.

Whenever I used to clean my house or my room, I found things belonging to Giyu, his scarf, his keychains, his necklace that he gifted me on my birthday, some pictures etc.

Yes, I remember it all too well. I remember our every lovely and beautiful moments that we made and experienced when we were together. I used to cry in my bathroom, Mitsuri supporting and comforting me whenever I broke to pieces.

I remember it all too well.

His smile in which I fell in love with, his handsome face which was perfect, his ocean blue eyes in which I drown down, his black smooth and soft hair through which I grazed my fingers, his lips over which I brushed my skin and my lips to feel those softness and love, his every part was settled inside my mind like picture which I won't be able to forget.

I remember it all too well.


Hey my fellow readers! I wanted to thank you all for giving it a read and the reading count has already crossed 100 in the first 5 days! I hope that you're enjoying the oneshots I wrote because these would be simply based on some random encounters, conversations, some cute moments in their love life and others. No lemon and stuff here! I prefer fluff and normal angst since I am still underage and I am more comfortable writing fluff.

Also, please keep voting my oneshots since the next few will totally be spoiler free. Some have been inspired by fan arts and doushinjis as well but not completely. Also, please share and comment your thoughts and requests on different AUs and other stuff so I'll not stop writing or ending this book with only a few parts, like not crossing over 20.

Sorry, again, for any grammatical mistakes. Hope that you're all having a good day and life and will see you soon in another oneshot.

Loads of love <3

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