Not by Kochou At Least

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Song: I Won't Say I Am In Love (From Hercules)

(Original but no spoilers; Fluff)

Taisho Era

"Say, Tomioka-san! Wanna go somewhere to hang out today? We don't have any missions today."




"If you don't want to go then just say a no, at least! Don't just make that stupid deadpan face all the time when I am talking to you!"

"... Okay... I will... Go."

They walk towards a park, with their uniforms on. Shinobu turns to Giyu.

"Is it so difficult for you to speak just a word?"

"... No..."

"Then why don't you speak up?"

"I... Speak, a lot..."

"That's a total lie, Tomioka-san! You shouldn't lie to people. That's why nobody likes you!"



"I am not disliked by people."

"That's another universal lie that you just spoke, Tomioka-san!"

"I am not disliked by anyone... Not atleast by..."

"Not atleast by whom?"

"Not atleast by... Kocho..."


"Kocho... Talks to me..."

"Ara Ara~ Tomioka-san, tha- that's true but..."

"Kocho... Likes me..."

"Ara Ara~ Tomioka-san, what do you think you're saying, huh? Are you planning to die from my hands?"

"Kocho... Let me finish."

"Better be worth my time before I kill you."

"Kocho... Is the only one... Who talks to me. I... Like talking to her too..."

"Are you talking about Nee-san?"

"No... I am talking about Kocho Shinobu... The insect pillar..."

"Eh?! M- m- mean you like talking to me, Tomioka-san?"


"Hey, Tomioka-san!"


"I hate to admit it but... I like talking to you too."


"Don't think about this in another way Tomioka-san-"

"Kocho... Likes me?"


Shinobu blushed.

"She talks to me... So... She likes me?"

"If anyone talks to you that doesn't mean that that person likes you, Tomioka-san!"

A vein popped up on her forehead while her face still red. Giyu noticed it and a downward curve formed on his lips.

"But... I never said that Kocho like-likes me..."

Shinobu blushed more. Her lips pursed.

"So... Shinobu likes me?"


"No lying, Kocho..."

"Do you have a death wish, Tomioka-san!"

"Don't change the topic, Kocho."

"Oh, yeah? Then what would you do if I say that I like you?"

"Just... Say it..."

"Ara Ara~ Tomioka-san, you're crossing your limits."

"Kocho... Say it."

"Fine! I like you. Okay, now?"


"What the hell, Tomioka-san-"

"I like you too..."


"I like Kocho too."



Shinobu chuckled. Giyu raised a brow.

"Ara Ara~ Tomioka-san. You sure are disliked by people after all."

"No lie. But..."


"I am not disliked by Kocho, atleast."

"No lie."

They both smiled and talked a lot after that. Tanjiro passed by them at that time, coming back from his mission. He looked at both sitting and smiled.

"Nezuko. I smell love and happiness from Tomioka-san and Kocho-san. Tomioka-san is even smiling. It would be a lie if they both don't like each other. Kocho-san always says that Tomioka-san is always disliked by people when I only smell love, affection, care and liking towards him from her. She's the only one who talks around him and he only talks back a lot with her.

I hope that the two survive and live together soon. Don't you thinks so too, Nezuko?"

"... Mhmm..."

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