Midnight Things

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Song: Call Out My Name (The Weeknd)

Hero and Underground Hero Au

They were fighting, blowing impacts on one another, as one tried to catch the other. The hero with raven black hair and blue eyes, sharp nose and jawline, on whom any girl would fall for, was now before a lady, short but strong, carrying her trademark, 'the black butterfly' on the back of her head as a hairpin, who looked frail but was quite strong to his opposite thoughts.

She was wearing a mask, a butterfly shaped mask, black in colour, enough to cover her face from the crease of her brows till her nose. Her eyes were purple, beautiful as the cosmic night sky, while her lips tinted with the boldest colour of red. Her body covered with leather suit, which provided enough elasticity for high kicks and stretching. The suit hugged her body perfectly, showing off all the well defined curves. Damn if he was some other guy or person, then surely they would've been stunned by her appearance at the first place.

He wore a quite similar attire as her but it was matte and had scaly patterns. It was a bit loose to allow more movements and had many zipper's with some linings of radiating blue lights. He wore gloves and a fox mask, just like hers, covering half of his face.

She twisted on her heels and swinged a kick towards his face, but he was able to block it and grab hold on it but she lifted her other leg and hit him on the gut with the support of her hands on the floor. Her other leg hitting his head when he got hit on the gut and lost grip on the other leg he was holding on.


He received the blow and dropped on the floor. Then, she threw knifes that pinned his sleeves of both of his arms on the floor and another two on the lengths of his pants as well. She clapped her hands as to shove off dust.

"I must say, you're not as strong as you are told of, Mister... What do they call you again?"

She walked her legs with his beaten up body on the floor, not able to move. Then, she stood over his torso and looking at his face which had avoided her blows, she then sat on him(just above his torso). She then hit the knives pinning his arms on the floor deeper so that he couldn't get it off when he gets back his strength.

He was gritted his teeth over the sight, a short woman, looking fragile, named the Dark Fairy, on top of him, with him pinned so that he couldn't get up. She gave out an evil but seductive laugh, as she ran her fingers over the man's cheek skin. He shook his head away from her touch which was quite chilling and seductive.

"Ara Ara!~ Already getting shocks when I just touched your skin with no intention to hit it?" She teased him with her seductive tone. He didn't say anything. She scoffed. "But! But...you're one hell of a handsome boy as you were earlier too, Mr. Knight or should I say, To-mi-o-ka Gi-yu!"

He was shocked as he heard his name from her, in a sing song tone. She laid her upper body over his chest, seducing him even more so that he wouldn't try to move or flinch. She crossed her arms and rested it over his wide chest and her chin over her crossed arms and looked at him with an evil smile.

"Won't you say anything, Mr. Knight?"

She tilted her head as she tried to act cute when her movements were seducing him. He didn't look at her and kept quiet for a while but soon, he looked over her eyes.

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