Happy to see you Happier

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Song: Happier (Marshmallow, Bastille)

Post War Au (spoilers)

Taisho Era

Shinobu's POV:

I and Tomioka-san have already become close to each other. The fact that he started to socialize with the other pillars as well during the Pillar training period made me happy.

He did improve a lot. I wouldn't admit it to him openly that he is not disliked by people now. Not by me. Not by Tanjiro-kun and his sister.

I did like him. He's tall, good looking and is kind too. But he's very stubborn and that annoys me. The stubbornness to not speak more.

I tried many ways to make him speak more but he never went over a speech lecture less than a minute. I know that people should talk to the point but not that much that it would start to annoy them.

My ultimate weapon for making him to talk more is salmon daikon. You can't make him more happy than that thing.

I did invite him to have some at my office during the Pillar training. It was hectic but also I needed to have a 'last' and 'proper' talk to him because I had plans for the war.


"Ara Ara~ The water pillar has at last come after I summoned him. This late, not to forget."

"You wanted to talk?"

"Correct guess! I have your favourite thing too."

"... Th- thank you, Kochou. I hope that I am doing well in communication..."

"Yes! Good going. The rest of the crew are doing great in the training as well, don't you think, Tanjiro-kun and his friends?" *Helds the bowl of freshly simmered salmon and daikon.*

"Yes... They're doing quite well." *Eats a piece* "What did you wanted to talk about, Kochou?"

"Well, nothing special. Just wanted to have a proper talk before something bad happens."

"What do you mean?"

"I am very happy that you're able to socialize with the other people, Tomioka-san. You seem happy as well. Might be because of Tanjiro-kun's positive aura around you, isn't it? What are your plans about moving on with someone if the corps successfully execute Muzan and all the other Upper Moons though?"

"I don't know."

"Haven't you met someone? Someone special?"

"Special on what basis?"

"Aren't you being to dense, Tomioka-san? Obviously I am talking about someone whom you would like to spent the rest of your life, have family with them."

"Uh... I guess I had. I have actually."

"Good!... Good!..."

Oh... So you have met someone. Bad luck.

"Why ask?"

"Just curious. I know we have duties and responsibilities but love isn't something you can avoid, can you? You might have found someone and talked to them and felt all the pros and cons of love, Tomioka-san."

"Yes. I have. What about you?"

You. It's you.... Dense man.

"Yeah. I did. He's a good person."

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