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Song: Love Like You (from "Steven Universe, ft. Rebecca Sugar)

Roomates Au

Modern era

Shinobu and Giyu have been living together since a week as roommates. They were good friends but Giyu is a bit eccentric while Shinobu is an energetic and optimistic looking type. They had been friends for almost half a year and things seem to look like they low-key liked each other. She always tried to tease him and she, somehow, gets opportunity to tease and sometimes, bully him.

"So, do you always remain this emotionless or do you have a a bright side as well, Tomioka-san?" She asked him, biting on the peanut butter and jam sandwich.

"I don't need to show anyone my bright side. Because it won't benefit me, neither would it do to others." He answered her coldly.

"I would say it would benefit people a lot. It would help you make more friends and more girls will fall for you." She stated, giving a sly smile. "Except for me, of course!"

"Why? Are you a man?" Giyu retaliated. A vein popped on her forehead.

"Oh, yeah! Absolutely! This lady looking body has a man hidden inside after all!" She answered sarcastically.

"Who knows? Maybe it's true. No wonder why you act so manly and like a guy around." He replied back.

"That's why nobody likes you, Tomioka-san! You don't know how to identify a person's identity at the first place." She said.

They bantered like this most of the day and then, finished their studies. Then, they started talking to each other with Sabito and Makomo calling them in between to check on them and have a small talk. It was around 6p.m. when the door bell rang and Tsutako came with Tsuyoushi in her arms and her husband behind her.

Tsutako was married and has a child of a year old. Her husband was kinda similar looking to Shinobu, who knows, they might be far off relatives. Tsuyoushi was a boy with purple eyes like his father (who's similar looking to Shinobu) and black hair like Tsutako and Giyu. His skin was almost the same as Giyu since Tsutako was fair and her husband was a bit tanned as him.

They talked for around like 15 minutes and Tsutako, along with her husband, left for an event to attend, leaving Tsuyoushi with Giyu and Shinobu to babysit.

Giyu's new side came all of a sudden in front of Shinobu. Tsuyoushi giggling and talking with him revealed the soft, gentle and happy side of his. Shinobu was surprised and it didn't help her but made her fall in love with him even more. Giyu then took Tsuyoushi in his arms and then went to Shinobu to introduce him to her.

"Hey, champ! You know who this lady is?" He asked Tsuyoushi, pointing that little one's hand towards her. Tsyoushi nodded negatively.

"N- no." The boy stammered.

"She is a devil! A short devil that annoys people and doesn't stop talking unless people die." He told him, teasing and mocking her. A vein popped on Shinobu's face but she carried a smile. Tsuyoushi looked gasped at her. She held his cheeks and caressed them.

"Oh yeah, I am the devil! A devil who's more interested in playing with you than your uncle here." She told Tsuyoushi, looking at him with gentle eyes. "You're such a cute and good boy that I, the devil will make an exception for not annoying you and treat you with looooooads of sweets! You like sweets, right little Tsuyoushi?" She asked him while pulling his cheek gently.

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